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Weeboo upgrades


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Dear Funpimps,

                          Firstly if you have taken the time to read my previous letters thank-you:) I know your busy adding to perfection..


                             Secondly I'd like to formally thank you for my WeeBoo..my personal drone is truly man's best apocalyptic friend :)


          i come from the realm known as Xbox :) i ,like untold tens of thousands ,found our way to your OG game.  Thank you. It truly is one of favorite games of all time. The Aplha 1 feels like I'm  seeing color for the first time...


        We have asked our wisest and most creative among the console universe on some interesting upgrades for our drones. I call mine WeeBoo :)


       May we have the drone be able to protect use with force feild for 30 secs that gives a flat 50% damage reduction? Once we hit 35% health? Give us time to patch up. 


     May we gave the drone be able to sound a wild alarm that will go blaring down a hallway or across the parking lot giving you a chance to get away


         May we have the drone produce a gas cloud that paralyze zombies?


     May we the drone be able to keep us warm like when your close to a fire source in cold weather or air conditioning in the desert? 


     After we max out Robotic tech can we opt out of two turrets and have 2 extra WeeBoos?? (The WeeBros 😂) or if not with us... can they be set to do tasks at the base such as move finished products out of forges and workbenches into corresponding boxes? Can we have them tend our plants, and as a bonus for being grow to perfection produce more food? 


   Thank you for your time :) thank you for your game , and thank you from all the unheard voices who helped spur imagination. Funpimps if your still reading this...your Beautiful :) your worth it :)                         


                                         With Love,

                    A soft note In a rising crescendo 



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This is the suggestions page man, the theatrics aren’t necessary and really deter from your actual topic.


As far as the topic itself, I do think the drone could use a little work, but definitely NOT a force field, gas cloud generator, or a mobile AC unit. That just seems overkill. 

It already functions well as a stamina buff, medic, mobile storage crate, and light source.


I could MAYBE see the LURE type of thing being decent.


I believe the intention was to keep it as a helper drone, not weaponize it. That said, perhaps petitioning for a different variant that is weaponized may go over better. 

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11 minutes ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

This is the suggestions page man, the theatrics aren’t necessary and really deter from your actual topic.


As far as the topic itself, I do think the drone could use a little work, but definitely NOT a force field, gas cloud generator, or a mobile AC unit. That just seems overkill. 

It already functions well as a stamina buff, medic, mobile storage crate, and light source.


I could MAYBE see the LURE type of thing being decent.


I believe the intention was to keep it as a helper drone, not weaponize it. That said, perhaps petitioning for a different variant that is weaponized may go over better. 

I'm not trying to be annoying or use this as something that's not intended for. If i truly am upseting you then i apologize..the theatrics are 2 fold. 1 bc I treat these as personal letters that are conversations others get to peer in on. I wrote it is as if I'm actually asking The Funpimps themselves about here things. And 2.  I'm part of 2 Facebook groups with over 20k combined (huge I know but I didn't want to brag 😂) that I post in to let the common folk know what pur PC Master overlords have said. I wouldn't be surprised if you start getting alot more console people showing up on here. I tell them to post in Pimp Dreams and let thier voices be heard.  And 3 bc you can just have 2 points....I guess it makes it more real the just a robot asking. I'll try to keep it to a minimum. I just hope The FunPimps actually read these things and are laughing :) oh! and if you reading this FunPimps...I hope your coffee tastes amazing today :)

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2 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

This is the suggestions page man, the theatrics aren’t necessary and really deter from your actual topic.


As far as the topic itself, I do think the drone could use a little work, but definitely NOT a force field, gas cloud generator, or a mobile AC unit. That just seems overkill. 

It already functions well as a stamina buff, medic, mobile storage crate, and light source.


I could MAYBE see the LURE type of thing being decent.


I believe the intention was to keep it as a helper drone, not weaponize it. That said, perhaps petitioning for a different variant that is weaponized may go over better. 

I agree that the flowery talk is distracting and makes it less clear what is being suggested. 


As far as weapons on the drone, I've heard that they had that in the past and removed it.  Not sure exactly why, but I'm guessing either balance or because it didn't work the way they wanted.  Considering the way the drone is missing half the time because it can't figure out how to navigate the POI with you, I'm not sure that it would be all that great.  Also, if it became a weapon, it should be attacked directly and not just take damage from area attacks, which means you will end up with a drone that is sitting on the ground disabled and not realize it isn't with you, making you need to backtrack regularly, which wouldn't be great.  But I would be interested in seeing if it was good or not.

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