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It isn't really out of "beta".  It isn't gold, which they have stated a number of times.  Yes, most people consider 1.0 release to be gold, myself included.  And I even complained about that decision when it was announced.  But it seems they likely had no choice but to change it to 1.0 and take it out of early access in order to release to console.  In the end, the version is just a number with no real meaning, regardless what I or others think.  Gold isn't until the roadmap is complete. 


And, btw, it isn't TFP who are making Blood Moons.  It is another developer.  TFP likely gets royalties or a licensing fee for allowing them to make it, but they aren't the ones making it.



It isn't really out of "beta".  It isn't gold, which they have stated a number of times.  Yes, most people consider 1.0 release to be gold, myself included.  And I even complained about that decision when it was announced.  But it seems they likely had no choice but to change it to 1.0 and take it out of early access in order to release to console.  In the end, the version is just a number with no real meaning, regardless what I it others think.  Gold isn't until the roadmap is complete. 


And, btw, it isn't TFP who are making Blood Moons.  It is another developer.  TFP likely gets royalties or a licensing fee for allowing them to make it, but they aren't the ones making it.

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