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7 hours ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

It's obviously not just Bethesda, which is why I call it institutionalized greed. It's baked into the economic system itself. CEOs must show a profit to shareholders; If they don't show a profit, they're fired, but so-called "consumers" (human beings, actually) are largely struggling just to get by. Any sense of personal responsibility -- from publishers/console manufacturers to shareholders to studios to players -- is "lost in the impersonal anonymity of the corporate economic system," to quote a seminal essay by David Loy on the grander scheme of things. Doesn't mean it can't change.

It's not ethical business. Make no mistake. You'll not find any diatribes against capitalism, for example, anywhere in my personal repetoir because capitalism isn't the problem. Ideologies in themselves are never, ever the problem. The problem is that "human consiousness has become so diffused as to be lost in the impersonal anonymity of the corporate economic system," as Loy put it.

We're all part of it though, and if you aren't yet, someday you will be when you grow-up and get your life together.

Who are the greedy shareholders? We are. Anyone with a 401k. I am not investing in who I think are nice people or because of their carbon footprint or any other bull@%$#, I don't GAF. I hope to turn my savings into something to retire on. I am investing in you to make a profit and nothing else. With the current rate of inflation, that means saving as much as I can, squeezing as much profit out of it, and likely moving to some poor Eastern European country where I might be able to live decently.

Everybody shouting about how bad corporate greed is or who think communism is such a wonderful thing (and let me tell you it ain't)


As far as DLC, if they want anymore money from me, they need to make a mod to the gyrocopter to play "Ride of the Valkyries" and maybe mount a machine gun. Oh, and rockets. Definitely rockets. I would buy that.




6 hours ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

It's obviously not just Bethesda, which is why I call it institutionalized greed. It's baked into the economic system itself. CEOs must show a profit to shareholders; If they don't show a profit, they're fired, but so-called "consumers" (human beings, actually) are largely struggling just to get by. Any sense of personal responsibility -- from publishers/console manufacturers to shareholders to studios to players -- is "lost in the impersonal anonymity of the corporate economic system," to quote a seminal essay by David Loy on the grander scheme of things. Doesn't mean it can't change.

It's not ethical business. Make no mistake. You'll not find any diatribes against capitalism, for example, anywhere in my personal repetoir because capitalism isn't the problem. Ideologies in themselves are never, ever the problem. The problem is that "human consiousness has become so diffused as to be lost in the impersonal anonymity of the corporate economic system," as Loy put it.

We're all part of it though, and if you aren't yet, someday you will be when you grow-up and get your life together.

Who are the greedy shareholders? We are. Anyone with a 401k. I am not investing in who I think are nice people or because of their carbon footprint or any other bull@%$#, I don't GAF. I hope to turn my savings into something to retire on. I am investing in you to make a profit and nothing else.

Everybody shouting about how bad corporate greed is or who think communism is such a wonderful thing (and let me tell you it ain't)


As far as DLC, if they want anymore money from me, they need to make a mod to the gyrocopter to play "Ride of the Valkyries" and maybe mount a machine gun. Oh, and rockets. Definitely rockets. I would buy that.


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