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2 hours ago, theFlu said:

How often are you fighting anything at 30 blocks? And more importantly.. WHY?! :)

Most often screamer packs. My friend and I were playing last night - we'd set aside the day to cook, craft, sort, etc. Of course, with forges and fires, and chemistry sets going, we got a couple rounds of screamers. I got most of the resulting pack of zombies before they even got to 10 blocks. The handful of irradiated that ran fast and couldn't be one shot, he got, but if they had got to melee range, I probably would have switched to spear.


That's probably the ideal. If I only used that example, you could equally accuse me of contriving a comparison. But there are others:


1. Normal wandering packs, it's not even close. There are no irradiated there and fewer ferals. I usually wipe out the rest of the pack while he's still working on his first.


2. In some bigger POIs, where we know that waking the room causes a mass rush, we usually agree that I'll sneak in, clear the easily visible ones first, then either everyone else comes in and we take on the rest noisy. Or if I wake the room, everyone just runs in to bail me out while I switch to my spear. 


One of the things I love about this game is how flexible it is, and how it lets people do what they want, in innovative ways. There is no rigid roles, one "meta". I've seen people follow the torches and clear a POI as intended. I've seen others use timed charges blow holes on the outside of walls then throw down barbed wire to clear the worst part of POIs. I've seen people carry damn iron doors and hatches around as a way to chokepoint POIs.


Everything has a purpose. Maybe not in a specific player's play style, and maybe not in every situation, but I love the fact the game is so open



2 hours ago, theFlu said:

How often are you fighting anything at 30 blocks? And more importantly.. WHY?! :)

Most often screamer packs. My friend and I were playing last night - we'd set aside the day to cook, craft, sort, etc. Of course, with forges and fires, and chemistry sets going, we got a couple rounds of screamers. I got most of the resulting pack of zombies before they even got to 10 blocks. The handful of irradiated that ran fast and couldn't be one shot, he got, but if they had got to melee range, I probably would have switched to spear.


That's probably the ideal. If I only used that example, you could equally accuse me of contriving a comparison. But there are others:


1. Normal wandering packs, it's not even close. There are no irradiated there and fewer ferals. I usually wipe out the rest of the pack while he's still working on his first.


2. In some bigger POIs, where we know that waking the room causes a mass rush, we usually agree that I'll sneak in, clear the easily visible ones first, then either everyone else comes in and we take on the rest noisy. Or if I wake the room, everyone just runs in to bail me out while I switch to my spear. 


One of the things I love about this game is how flexible it is, and how it lets people do what they want, in innovative ways. There is no rigid roles, one "meta". I've seen people follow the torches and clear a POI as intended. I've seen others use timed charges blow holes on the outside of walls then throw down barbed wire to clear the worst part of POIs. I've seen people carry damn iron doors and hatches around as a way to chokepoint POIs.


Everything has a purpose. Maybe not in a specific player's play style, and maybe not in every situation, but I love the fact the game is so open. 

2 hours ago, theFlu said:

How often are you fighting anything at 30 blocks? And more importantly.. WHY?! :)

Most often screamer packs. My friend and I were playing last night - we'd set aside the day to cook, craft, sort, etc. Of course, with forges and fires, and chemistry sets going, we got a couple rounds of screamers. I got most of the resulting pack of zombies before they even got to 10 blocks. The handful of irradiated that ran fast and couldn't be one shot, he got, but if they had got to melee range, I probably would have switched to spear.


That's probably the ideal. If I only used that example, you could equally accuse me of contriving a comparison. But there are others:


1. Normal wandering packs, it's not even close. There are no irradiated there and fewer ferals. I usually wipe out the rest of the pack while he's still working on his first.


2. In some bigger POIs, where we know that waking the room causes a mass rush, we usually agree that I'll sneak in, clear the easily visible ones first, then either everyone else comes in and we take on the rest noisy. Or if I wake the room, everyone just runs in to bail me out while I switch to my spear. 


One of the things I love about this game is how flexible it is, and how it lets people do what they want, in innovative ways. There is no rigid roles, one "meta". I've seen people follow the torches and clear a POI as intended. I've seen others use timed charges blow holes on the outside of walls then throw down barbed wire to clear the worst part of POIs. I've seen people carry damn iron doors and hatches around as a way to chokepoint POIs.


Everything has a purpose. Maybe not in a specific player's play style, and maybe not in every situation, but I love the fact the game is so open. 

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