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25 minutes ago, Krougal said:

See now I hear this from a lot of other players, but I suck at abusing the trader as it seems I am always a day late and a dollar short for whatever I want to buy. I have trouble saving up enough to buy expensive items. I probably buy too many consumables and don't sell enough crap.


Now I feel the opposite about LP, I find it useful and I generally use it. I also hate the Bethsoft way (actually that orginated in Thief I think) and in Fallout4 I started using a mod to bypass it, I am so bored to tears with it. I mean the first time it is like "wow! this is cool!" and then the it gets to be old, by the time it gets to be ancient...well, you mod it away. I think the way 7DTD does it is adequate. I also see a big difference in how fast I go through picks with or without the skill.


Yeah, the weapons are a joke. A .22 LR would still rip through a zombies skull like butter. I use a headshot multiplier mod to deal with what I consider a bad design choice.


I mean don't get me wrong I find the skyrim/fallout style lockpicking minigame annoying too, and usually use a autowin mod in those games, as you still need to have the skill/perk high enough to event attempt it. But it'd be far better than the lockpicking vanilla has atm. Which is what I am comparing it to. I'd rather it be player skill, than praying to rngesus that I am not going to break 15 picks going from 5s remaining to unlocking, as I notice 90% of pick breaks happen in the final few seconds. Itd be less annoying if the timer didn't reset back to 25% time remaining when one breaks too, like it remembers exactly where you were, so you could brute force it. My record is breaking 10 picks instantly in the last 25% of time remaining on a lockpick, with the perk maxxed, thats when I realized the perk doesn't really do a damn thing, its still completly rng. Literally everytime I hit E to start the lockpick it'd just instantly fail in a split second. Fallout/skyrim style system would be FAR better than this. Darkenss Falls uses it, and even improves the lockpicking perk if you decide NOT to use the fallout/skyrim style minigame, as you can remove the lock pick minigame by removing the mod, however the base perk is far better in DF, with top levels of it lowering pick time by 60-80%, and making it so you rarely ever break a pick. Like I said, only thing I lockpick is cop cars, and the only reason I lockpick those is because I don't wanna deal with the 4-5 ferals that spawn from bashing it open. I also swear in a22 aka 1.0 one of those 4-5 ferals that spawns has feral sense, as i've always had one chase me for over 5 minutes real time across a city, I'd get far enough away I can't even see it anymore, and then 30-50 seconds later it'd catch up to me, while the rest usually give up chase pretty early. I usually have to kill it, or run half the city away to lose it, meanwhile all the rest do not chase far, and despawn by the time I get back.

10 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Actually I really like the quest rewards now. I feel they are well balanced now (except for the magazine bundle being too much). There is a progression of money and ammo rewards in the quest tiers that feels about right. Sure, you sometimes get a reward selection where the best item is a single honey, but you get so many quest rewards in a typical game it can't be all christmas presents 😉



I'd still prefer balanced gear over no gear. Alot of quests I do has literally nothing really of value to me as a reward even early game. I basically never use guns till I am dealing with poi's full of ferals and up, and on day 8, I only really see ferals and up in t3 infested quests. Non-infested quests usually never have a single feral in them in the desert, so I can just 1-2 shot most of the zombies with melee attacks, I play on warrior btw. None of that easy mode adventurer 25% more player damage delt and 25% less player damage take garbage, why the hell was that made the default difficulty? Nomad was fine, both sides did full damage to each other, it just feels weird for the default difficulty to be what would be considered Easy. Nomad is normal, Warrior is Hard, Surv is Extra Hard, Insane is well, Insane. It was Nomad till a more recent alpha why did they lower it? was it because casuals kinda suck at the game? as that can be the only reason I see for it being lowered. Me? I've always played on warrior even the very first time I played the game back in 10.2.


I just miss when trader quests were fun in a21.2 and below as it was basically the excitement of "what goodies will I get offered for this quest?" where as now, every quest basically is the same exact reward, its just lost all excitement to it, as you know what your most likely going to get offered since like most of v1.0 the game has been made pretty static, even RWG was ruined in 1.0, with locked city sizes by biome and lack of trader diversity in biomes. Yes, I know your going to say "well hurr durr use a mod" just becase it can be modded doesn't mean it wasn't orignally a poor decision in the first place. TFP excuses way to many of their bad decisions with the excuse "Well just mod it out", TFP is the ONLY dev team i've seen pull this stunt too. Its also the only dev team i've seen remake the skill system like 4 times during the games early access period... Oh wait, its still early access its still alpha, as its not even beta state by the usual defenition of beta which is "feature complete but needs testing", 1.0 is deff not nearly feature complete its missing too much atm.


I'd also like the game options to be expanded in new/continue game to have stuff like the abilitiy to unlock rwg to make it completly random again, at the risk of messing with the story if you choose to do so, and to have options like being able to disable zombie rage, the way you can change their run/walk speeds, and whether feral sense is on or not. I'd like to see Zombie Rage, Zombie Digging, and a few other things be in the ingame options as disableable. Yeah I can use a mod to remove it, at least the zombie rage, but there is no valid reason why it can't be added to the options like feral sense and zombie move speed is. I bet most players would shut off the rage if they could do it from within the game, as its stupid when you hit a zombie and it suddendly goes nightmare speed in your face for a cheapshot, often with 0 actual attack animation as the animations are buggy as hell still without having proper limits set as to attack animations need to be unable to play until their stumble/get up animation is completly finished.



9 minutes ago, Krougal said:

See now I hear this from a lot of other players, but I suck at abusing the trader as it seems I am always a day late and a dollar short for whatever I want to buy. I have trouble saving up enough to buy expensive items. I probably buy too many consumables and don't sell enough crap.


Now I feel the opposite about LP, I find it useful and I generally use it. I also hate the Bethsoft way (actually that orginated in Thief I think) and in Fallout4 I started using a mod to bypass it, I am so bored to tears with it. I mean the first time it is like "wow! this is cool!" and then the it gets to be old, by the time it gets to be ancient...well, you mod it away. I think the way 7DTD does it is adequate. I also see a big difference in how fast I go through picks with or without the skill.


Yeah, the weapons are a joke. A .22 LR would still rip through a zombies skull like butter. I use a headshot multiplier mod to deal with what I consider a bad design choice.


I mean don't get me wrong I find the skyrim/fallout style lockpicking minigame annoying too, and usually use a autowin mod in those games, as you still need to have the skill/perk high enough to event attempt it. But it'd be far better than the lockpicking vanilla has atm. Which is what I am comparing it to. I'd rather it be player skill, than praying to rngesus that I am not going to break 15 picks going from 5s remaining to unlocking, as I notice 90% of pick breaks happen in the final few seconds. Itd be less annoying if the timer didn't reset back to 25% time remaining when one breaks too, like it remembers exactly where you were, so you could brute force it. My record is breaking 10 picks instantly in the last 25% of time remaining on a lockpick, with the perk maxxed, thats when I realized the perk doesn't really do a damn thing, its still completly rng. Literally everytime I hit E to start the lockpick it'd just instantly fail in a split second. Fallout/skyrim style system would be FAR better than this. Darkenss Falls uses it, and even improves the lockpicking perk if you decide NOT to use the fallout/skyrim style minigame, as you can remove the lock pick minigame by removing the mod, however the base perk is far better in DF, with top levels of it lowering pick time by 60-80%, and making it so you rarely ever break a pick. Like I said, only thing I lockpick is cop cars, and the only reason I lockpick those is because I don't wanna deal with the 4-5 ferals that spawn from bashing it open. I also swear in a22 aka 1.0 one of those 4-5 ferals that spawns has feral sense, as i've always had one chase me for over 5 minutes real time across a city, I'd get far enough away I can't even see it anymore, and then 30-50 seconds later it'd catch up to me, while the rest usually give up chase pretty early. I usually have to kill it, or run half the city away to lose it, meanwhile all the rest do not chase far, and despawn by the time I get back.

2 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Actually I really like the quest rewards now. I feel they are well balanced now (except for the magazine bundle being too much). There is a progression of money and ammo rewards in the quest tiers that feels about right. Sure, you sometimes get a reward selection where the best item is a single honey, but you get so many quest rewards in a typical game it can't be all christmas presents 😉



I'd still prefer balanced gear over no gear. Alot of quests I do has literally nothing really of value to me as a reward even early game. I basically never use guns till I am dealing with poi's full of ferals and up, and on day 8, I only really see ferals and up in t3 infested quests. Non-infested quests usually never have a single feral in them in the desert, so I can just 1-2 shot most of the zombies with melee attacks, I play on warrior btw. None of that easy mode adventurer 25% more player damage delt and 25% less player damage take garbage, why the hell was that made the default difficulty? Nomad was fine, both sides did full damage to each other, it just feels weird for the default difficulty to be what would be considered Easy. Nomad is normal, Warrior is Hard, Surv is Extra Hard, Insane is well, Insane. It was Nomad till a more recent alpha why did they lower it? was it because casuals kinda suck at the game? as that can be the only reason I see for it being lowered. Me? I've always played on warrior even the very first time I played the game back in 10.2.

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