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A question about heatmap if anybody can explain this situation with my forge.

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Here is are 2 pics of my heat as shown through the F8 menu.  The one on the right is taken a few minutes later, after I let it cool off a bit.


The "Campfire" listed is in fact my forge, not an actual campfire.  The problem I'm having with this is that my forge has been shut off for quite a while now.  What I've been doing is breaking down a kitchen higher up in the building.  Wrenching appliances and breaking cupboards.


Why are both the intensity (6.89->8.08) and the timer till it expires (600s->700s) INCREASING for the forge?  It is obviously the biggest contributor, but it isn't running anymore.  Why is every new sound causing the forge's impact on the heatmap to be extended?  Is this the way it's meant to be, or unintended behaviour?


Anybody have some insight?  Devs perhaps?




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7 hours ago, Fisher said:

What I've been doing is breaking down a kitchen higher up in the building.  Wrenching appliances and breaking cupboards.

I'd wager to say the wrenching. They really should update the model so that you can see you're ringing the screamer dinner bell when you're using that thing.

.. At least I think that's what's going on, I never read the heat stuff so the chart is pretty alien to me... but if you're wrenching anywhere near it, that would drive up the heat drastically, right?

Edited by Mister Forgash (see edit history)
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