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1 hour ago, d3.nephalem said:

Hah, if it is only quest cap! You can change it in settings. But the three little towns, always spawned in RANDOM generated world. This is hidden nerf to progression and you can't change it without fiddling with .XMLs. It is for one purpose: lack of 
T1 POI's for questing in "starter village" so they send you 1.4km away on the third day to another village. You'll spent half day walking. 
Someone can say: "Hey it is because story". What story? The one coming in 2025?

The weird balance changes Pimps made, only slow it down for first 7 or 14 days. After you craft quality 5 AK or pistol and save money for crucible, the game turn into good old, slightly more difficult Alpha 21.

You won't get many disagreements (maybe none) about the restrictions to the traders, biomes, and towns in RWG.  This is supposedly related to the story that they will be adding (as you mentioned).  I agree that it being added so far in advance of the story is not great.  But it seems like what they do.  They made vehicles take a ton of damage in A21 because they would be adding armor for vehicles in A22 (now 1.0).  So you had to deal with that for all of A21 and didn't get an in-game option to deal with it until a year later.  I had to mod the game to avoid the hassle in A21.


But they do need to make progress towards adding the remaining features and can't easily lump everything into a single patch so it all is finished at once.  So they've chosen to add things in parts... they'll change the way towns and traders and biomes are laid out in RWG now and then when the story is ready to insert into the game, that part is already finished and ready to go and any bugs related to it have most likely been found and hopefully fixed already.  Not a great option, but it's what they chose and so we need to deal with it however we choose.  Either just accept it and play it that way, or mod it so RWG makes things differently, or use other options for creating maps (e.g. hand drawn or third party map generators).  I've chosen the third option myself, but I wasn't using RWG to begin with other than during experimental to see how it was working for 1.0.


All posts I've seen about the RWG restrictions relating to traders and towns within biomes has been negative.  I don't think I've seen any players saying it is good that they made these restrictions.  Some have supported it by saying that there are reasons, but that's not really saying it is a good change.  At best, I'd say it's neutral.  My personal opinion is that RWG should be random or at least have a random option that will not in any way restrict traders to given biomes or restrict trader progression or restrict towns to specific biomes.  RWG is supposed to be random.  Now, it just really doesn't feel very random at all.  No story is going to make that better.  I think the story should be either only in Navesgane and maybe pregen maps or at least be optional in RWG and other maps.  Random just really is supposed to be random, imo.


Additionally, I would expect that the story, like other things in the game, will be moddable.  That means that if someone wants the story to not have a specific progression, that should be an option.  Right now, I know you can place traders in other biomes and it will still work.  But if you start at any trader other than Rekt, you won't get the initial Open Trade Routes quest when completing tier 1 until you find Rekt.  And I haven't seen any indication that you can change that in XML, though I could be wrong.  If that progression is hardcoded, it's not a good thing for modders.



1 hour ago, d3.nephalem said:

Hah, if it is only quest cap! You can change it in settings. But the three little towns, always spawned in RANDOM generated world. This is hidden nerf to progression and you can't change it without fiddling with .XMLs. It is for one purpose: lack of 
T1 POI's for questing in "starter village" so they send you 1.4km away on the third day to another village. You'll spent half day walking. 
Someone can say: "Hey it is because story". What story? The one coming in 2025?

The weird balance changes Pimps made, only slow it down for first 7 or 14 days. After you craft quality 5 AK or pistol and save money for crucible, the game turn into good old, slightly more difficult Alpha 21.

You won't get many disagreements (maybe none) about the restrictions to the traders, biomes, and towns in RWG.  This is supposedly related to the story that they will be adding (as you mentioned).  I agree that it being added so far in advanced of the story is not great.  But it seems like what they do.  They made vehicles take a ton of damage in A21 because they would be adding armor for vehicles in A22 (now 1.0).  So you had to deal with that for all of A21 and didn't get an in-game option to deal with it until a year later.  I had to mod the game to avoid the hassle in A21.


But they do need to make progress towards adding the remaining features and can't easily lump everything into a single patch so it all is finished at once.  So they've chosen to add things in parts... they'll change the way towns and traders and biomes are laid out in RWG now and then when the story is ready to insert into the game, that part is already finished and ready to go and any bugs related to it have most likely been found and hopefully fixed already.  Not a great option, but it's what they chose and so we need to deal with it however we choose.  Either just accept it and play it that way, or mod it so RWG makes things differently, or use other options for creating maps (e.g. hand drawn or third party map generators).  I've chosen the third option myself, but I wasn't using RWG to begin with other than during experimental to see how it was working for 1.0.


All posts I've seen about the RWG restrictions relating to traders and towns within biomes has been negative.  I don't think I've seen any players saying it is good that they made these restrictions.  Some have supported it by saying that there are reasons, but that's not really saying it is a good change.  At best, I'd say it's neutral.  My personal opinion is that RWG should be random or at least have a random option that will not in any way restrict traders to given biomes or restrict trader progression or restrict towns to specific biomes.  RWG is supposed to be random.  Now, it just really doesn't feel very random at all.  No story is going to make that better.  I think the story should be either only in Navesgane and maybe pregen maps or at least be optional in RWG and other maps.  Random just really is supposed to be random, imo.


Additionally, I would expect that the story, like other things in the game, will be moddable.  That means that if someone wants the story to not have a specific progression, that should be an option.  Right now, I know you can place traders in other biomes and it will still work.  But if you start at any trader other than Rekt, you won't get the initial Open Trade Routes quest when completing tier 1 until you find Rekt.  And I haven't seen any indication that you can change that in XML, though I could be wrong.  If that progression is hardcoded, it's not a good thing for modders.

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