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13 minutes ago, Ncredible1201 said:

12 years of hard work and you spent most of that time changing things nobody asked to be changed (Most of how the skill system works, and the cursor for menu's, you were forced to put that back).

You spend that time also removing features nobody asked to be removed (Putting water in a jar, what numbnut decided to remove that from a SURVIVAL GAME). 

Then your 1.0 update doesn't even add major additions to the game like a functional weather system and cross play. Those two alone are enough for a 1.0 update yet both those features are 6 months to a year out!?!! What kind of 1.0 update/ full release, doesn't add major content? Zombies with different shirts? That's essentially the biggest addition in this "1.0 update" You brought the new game to console, then said we have to wait 6 months to play with friends on PC or Xbox....


I would have thought a development team would focus on what the players wanted, and not what "ideas" a few people had they want to try willy nilly and hope players like it, instead of, I don't know, maybe ask them instead? I guess common sense isn't a job requirement for game development. 


I guess technically future updates will be better than this one since they will essentially contain the content this update didn't provide, instead it was thrown on a road map for the next year to come. 


1.0 is not gold.  The game is still in alpha regardless of the name change.  Gold will be in a couple years per the roadmap and will include things like the weather changes you mention.


And developers make the game they want.  If it coincides with player wants, great.  If not, then so be it.  They might adjust things that are requested or not liked, but they don't have to and major things aren't likely to be changed.  Besides, any feature you think of will have people who like it one way and people who like it another.  So saying they don't do something the way players want is not really accurate. 


Regarding cross play, it already works for the devs.  But they need to go through an approval process with Sony and Microsoft before it is allowed and those companies are the ones who determine how much cross play is allowed.  And what if they did wait until cross play was available before releasing to console?  You would still get cross play at the same time but would prevent all the console players from being able to play the new version at all for that extra time.  I can just about guarantee that most console players would prefer getting it without cross play now and then get cross play later rather than have to wait until cross play is available.



7 minutes ago, Ncredible1201 said:

12 years of hard work and you spent most of that time changing things nobody asked to be changed (Most of how the skill system works, and the cursor for menu's, you were forced to put that back).

You spend that time also removing features nobody asked to be removed (Putting water in a jar, what numbnut decided to remove that from a SURVIVAL GAME). 

Then your 1.0 update doesn't even add major additions to the game like a functional weather system and cross play. Those two alone are enough for a 1.0 update yet both those features are 6 months to a year out!?!! What kind of 1.0 update/ full release, doesn't add major content? Zombies with different shirts? That's essentially the biggest addition in this "1.0 update" You brought the new game to console, then said we have to wait 6 months to play with friends on PC or Xbox....


I would have thought a development team would focus on what the players wanted, and not what "ideas" a few people had they want to try willy nilly and hope players like it, instead of, I don't know, maybe ask them instead? I guess common sense isn't a job requirement for game development. 


I guess technically future updates will be better than this one since they will essentially contain the content this update didn't provide, instead it was thrown on a road map for the next year to come. 


1.0 is not gold.  The game is still in alpha regardless of the name change.  Gold will be in a couple years per the roadmap and will include things like the weather changes you mention.


And developers make the game they want.  If it coincides with player wants, great.  If not, then so be it.  They might adjust things that are requested or not liked, but they don't have to and major things aren't likely to be changed.  Besides, any feature you think of will have people who like it one way and people who like it another.  So saying they don't do something the way players want is not really accurate. 

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