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44 minutes ago, Vedui said:

I do agree the game has gotten to be too bright. Though I CAN see the appeal for people to make the game play "easier", it does also take a lot of the scariness away from the game. One might remember the good old days (well, nights) when it was so dark you could hardly see without a torch, so going out at night was much more oppressive. Nowadays (nowanights?) you really don't have to worry so much.


It would be very nice with a setting, and I would go one further to make it a server setting, that way people playing solo could set it as they wanted, and server admins could specify for the whole server to which degree darkness would affect everyone at night. Sure, people could still bump up screen/pc brightness etc, but it'd at least baseline it for everyone equally on that particular server fitting that particular setting chosen.

Yep! Zeds are significantly less terrifying and a threat when you can see them so far away they're just standing there. And it negates the "lighting makes you more visible" mechanic. Yes: Make the daytime super bright for the noobs, and nights/underground super dark for everyone. Make it a choice to go out when its actually dangerous... or just stay inside if you're not ready for that. Whats the point of having torches and player crafted lights (for base and weapons/head) when they aren't actually used for anything? It shouldn't be "7 Days to Stand Around Taking Bored Headshots At Everything From 100 Yards All The Live Long Day Without A Care In The World" as the default vanilla experience.


Yes: There needs to be a global/server wide setting for darkness, to make it darker. If clients want to cheat with monitor tricks, let them, but (if wanted) the admin can at least turn it waaay down to make it pitch black and monitor brightness tricks might fail at that point?


imagine a horror movie (7 Days To Walk Away?) where the poor killer cannot kill anyone because everyone is like "hey! Theres the killer! On that hill about 1/2 a mile away! Everyone, let's pack up camp and put out the campfire responsibly and walk to our cars and get away. No, put your guns away, and definitely that baseball bat that really isnt going to be needed. If he actually sees us and comes closer one of us can take him out with a basic pistol, yawn, are you gonna drink that yucca juice? No sense leaving it behind in a hurry"



32 minutes ago, Vedui said:

I do agree the game has gotten to be too bright. Though I CAN see the appeal for people to make the game play "easier", it does also take a lot of the scariness away from the game. One might remember the good old days (well, nights) when it was so dark you could hardly see without a torch, so going out at night was much more oppressive. Nowadays (nowanights?) you really don't have to worry so much.


It would be very nice with a setting, and I would go one further to make it a server setting, that way people playing solo could set it as they wanted, and server admins could specify for the whole server to which degree darkness would affect everyone at night. Sure, people could still bump up screen/pc brightness etc, but it'd at least baseline it for everyone equally on that particular server fitting that particular setting chosen.

Yep! Zeds are significantly less terrifying and a threat when you can see them so far away they're just standing there. And it negates the "lighting makes you more visible" mechanic. Yes: Make the daytime super bright for the noobs, and nights/underground super dark for everyone. Make it a choice to go out when its actually dangerous... or just stay inside if you're not ready for that. Whats the point of having torches and player crafted lights (for base and weapons/head) when they aren't actually used for anything? It shouldn't be "7 Days to Stand Around Taking Bored Headshots At Everything From 100 Yards All The Live Long Day Without A Care In The World" as the default vanilla experience.


Yes: There needs to be a global/server wide setting for darkness, to make it darker. If clients want to cheat with monitor tricks, let them, but (if wanted) the admin can at least turn it waaay down to make it pitch black and monitor brightness tricks might fail at that point?

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