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Byteblazar's stuff (1.1)


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Just dumping my stuff here. Unless otherwise noted, all of my mods are server-side.


  • 7 Days of Insomnia: The most advanced and immersive sleeping system. Scientifically tested and proven to improve gameplay tenfold. Just click the link and read the list of features. Or don't. You are welcome either way.
  • No Enemy Indicators: Does what it implies on the tin. Hides enemy indicators typically seen during clear quests (but not orange markers).
  • Byteblazar's Screamers: Makes screamers more challenging to face, mainly by tweaking their AI and other parameters so they are sneakier, run faster, and avoid direct confrontation. They can also leap. Their HP or other combat-related stats are untouched. These changes give them much better chances of summoning scout hordes, as they will sneak up on you and keep some distance as they chase you around screaming.
  • Chill Screamer-chans: If challenging screamers are not up your alley, this one makes screamers harmless and a tad smaller. Made by request, but apparently multiple people secretly wanted this. Creeps.
  • Mute Traders: Also made by request. Self-explanatory name. You can pick individual traders to make quiet, or mute them all. I'm not judging.


More mods to come in the near future, as soon as I update and polish some of my old unreleased mods, and some other fancy ones are also planned. Gameplay is my specialty, so that's what you can expect the most from me as a modder.




Edited by Byteblazar
My first post sucked ass because I was exhausted at the time I wrote it. (see edit history)
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  • Byteblazar changed the title to Byteblazar's stuff (1.1)
7 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

Have you ever faced Banshee and Banshee Queen ?

If you mean this one, I looked at it before but I did not try it.


I normally prefer to make the game challenging in ways other than making enemies stronger in terms of stats because I find bullet sponges boring to fight. Same reason I've never played in Warrior or higher difficulty. I very much prefer fast and numerous enemies rather than tanky ones that hit hard. Plus this helps avoid some frustrating situations, for example having a player die just because they lagged for a second (when they normally would have survived).


It's a matter of tastes at the end of the day. I like challenging gameplay, that's the whole reason I started modding this game in the first place, but make the game unreasonably punishing and it will get frustrating instead.

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Posted (edited)

7 Days of Insomnia updated to v1.3.1.0 (Time Skip Patch updated to v1.2.1.0) Full changelog:





  • Added previously missing translations for the sheep-counting
  • Greatly reduced the wait (counting sheep) when insomnia is going to trigger anyway
  • Improved description of the new Bedtime buff
  • Changed the color of the icon of the Bedtime buff
  • Icons for Bedtime, Sleep Deprivation, Severe Sleep Deprivation, and Insomnia chance increases now blink at the start
  • Getting attacked during microsleep now immediately removes the black screen effect
  • Display of the chance of insomnia now shows only up to one digit after the decimal point
  • Fixed sedatives not triggering VFX before Sleep Deprivation kicks in


  • Improved the reminder at 20 hours awake by adding a new 'Bedtime' status (orange bed icon) that is removed when the player gets full rest, or is otherwise replaced by Sleep Deprivation if the player stays up long enough (thanks KNcreepy98 for the suggestion). This new status makes it significantly easier to fall asleep during that timeframe
  • Visual effect of the reminder now only triggers if the player is not under the effect of Stimulants, Coffee or Mega Crush
  • Mega crush now prevents all visual effects of Sleep Deprivation except for hallucinations
  • Coffee now prevents microsleep during Sleep Deprivation (thanks Darkikos2 for the suggestion)
  • Reduced the maximum and average amount of time to wait to fall asleep
  • Set a hard cap of 80 to 100 seconds (random) of maximum sleeping time per attempt even if the healing quota isn't fully used up, to prevent excessive sleeping and make things a bit more predictable
  • Slightly tweaked falling asleep speed multipliers for the following statuses: Sedatives, Sleep Deprivation, Severe Sleep Deprivation
  • Fixed Refreshed status ticking during sleep, which caused the sleeping timer to reset if the Refreshed status happened to end before the player finished sleeping


  • Sleep reminder and Bedtime buff trigger after 16 hours awake instead of 20


  • Refactored code to simplify the implementation of patches for alternative 24-hour cycle settings (yes, I don't want to have to update these ever - sue me)
  • Added optional patches for alternative 24-hour cycle settings
  • Updated the Time Skip patch to work with the new system
  • Fixed a typo in Localizations.txt
  • Added "Microsleep" to the list of effects in the description of Sleep Deprivation
  • Improved the logic of Sleep Deprivation visual effects to fix a bug that could trigger when taking Stimulants right before the visual effects ended (thanks viking093 for reporting) and other potential similar problems


  • Fixed chance of insomnia from alcohol applied multiple times on interrupted sleeping attempts
  • Removed minor long-term chance of insomnia from alcohol and coffee to make insomnia more predictable
  • Lowered short-term chance of insomnia from coffee from 10% to 6%
  • Added missing short-term increase in chance of insomnia from drinking mega crush (8%)
  • Random visual effects for sleepiness now start triggering at the same time the player gets the Sleep Deprivation debuff
  • Changed the time window for Sleep Deprivation to kick in from 20-28 hours to 24-28 hours since the last time the player slept
  • Added a toolbelt message after 20 hours awake reminding players to sleep soon, with a single microsleep effect triggering at the same time
  • Added a buff that displays the current total chance of insomnia. It's only visible on the status interface, not the HUD.
  • Added a short-duration buff that displays increases in the chance of insomnia so players can more easily tell what increases the chance and what does not
  • Improved translations (or tried to)


  • Reduced the duration of the Refreshed status to 8 hours for balance and to make schedules more manageable
  • Increased the maximum healing from sleeping by 33% for balance
  • Increased the injury healing rate values by 50% so sleeping while hurt does not take much longer than before the update


  • Made stimulants and sedatives craftable at the chemistry table. Progression not touched for compatibility with other mods
  • Replaced dummy sound for attracting zombies with snoring sounds (thanks Darkikos2 and josefdark for the suggestions)
  • Fixed refreshed status getting removed after oversleeping
  • Fixed minimum sleeping time not taking into account refreshed status
  • Slightly tweaked auditory hallucinations


  • Fixed error that was triggering a game-breaking ArgumentNullException


  • Initial release


Edited by Byteblazar (see edit history)
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Byteblazar's Screamers updated to v1.0.0.1:

  • Moved lines that patch zombieGuppyLucy (from Guppy's Zombies) into its own patch
  • Added patch for Banshee Queen, to make sure she is not affected by the changes from this mod


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  • 2 weeks later...

May I know which overhaul Mods are using your mod too.

@Ganeshakw I am not aware of any overhaul mods (or modpacks) including any of my mods yet, and it makes sense because I started releasing mods relatively recently. That being said, nocloud4u recommends installing 7 Days of Insomnia along with his Cloud Mod.


I would like to watch a YT Series that has these fun mods like  yours , Guppy, Mumphy, Server side Zombies etc.. If you know any, please let me know.

I am also not aware of any of these yet, but I know GrimmStone Media is working on one and will hopefully release the first part soon-ish. He reached out to me a few weeks ago to ask me to make a tweaked version of 7 Days of Insomnia for him to use it in his videos and showed me the script for the first few episodes, and I did it, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out. I'm not sure if I should say what I know, but apparently, he gathered a team of developers and they are working on a big project where he will showcase multiple mods, including mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/30/2024 at 8:17 PM, Byteblazar said:

Im have error "WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "Byteblazar_7_Days_Of_Insomnia" did not apply: <remove xpath="/blocks/block[contains(@name,'Sofa')]/property[@name='BuffsWhenWalkedOn']"  (line 14 at pos 3)"


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23 minutes ago, batboyboy said:

Im have error "WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "Byteblazar_7_Days_Of_Insomnia" did not apply: <remove xpath="/blocks/block[contains(@name,'Sofa')]/property[@name='BuffsWhenWalkedOn']"  (line 14 at pos 3)"



That's not an error, it's a warning and it's safe to ignore. I added some lines of code to avoid compatibility issues with other mods, but you don't have any conflicting mods, so the code I added does nothing for you, and the game doesn't know if that was on purpose or not, so it shows you that warning telling you that those lines of code didn't have any effect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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