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Поздравления всем!

Мод является частью набора модов Project Z. Информацию о наборе вы можете найти  на сайте , а подробное описание  в моем дискорде .
Немного предыстории. В игре доступно всего 3 уровня оружия. В этом случае игрок получает доступ к самому последнему на уровне 80-100. Что делать дальше?

На мой взгляд, очень перспективный мод. Пока реализована первая тестовая версия, но уже есть чем стрелять и что крафтить. Старался не завышать характеристики продвинутого оружия - и по-моему получилось. Особенно понравится тем, у кого есть моды с более сильными зомби, чем сейчас (спойлер - скоро опубликую мод с зомби Т4 для расширения игрового процесса).

Как это работает сейчас:

Игрок все равно прокачивает оружие Т3 и не читает необходимые книги для его создания. Однако когда он прокачивает навык владения интересующим его оружием до 5 уровня (например, Пулемет), он открывает рецепт создания книги мастерства, прокачав ее, которым он может сначала улучшить обычное оружие Т3, а затем создать экспериментальное. В навыках персонажа появилась вкладка «Навыки мастерства», где игрок может увидеть, что он может улучшить.

На данный момент доступно только 6 видов улучшенного оружия Т4 и 5 видов экспериментального оружия. Но я планирую значительно расширить этот мод в будущем, тем самым разнообразив игровой процесс.


Мне бы очень хотелось услышать ваши отзывы об этой механике.
В любом случае, приятной игры всем!


Важно! В настоящее время игроку доступно только дальнобойное оружие. Остальные предметы будут добавлены немного позже. Следите за обновлениями мода.


Ссылка может быть здесь




Greetings to all!

The mod is part of the Project Z mod set. You can find information about the set on the website, and a detailed description in my discord.
A little background. There are only 3 weapon tiers available in the game. in this case, the player gains access to the very last one at level 80-100. What to do next?

In my opinion, a very promising mod. The first test version has been implemented so far, but there is already something to shoot with and something to craft. I tried not to overinflate the characteristics of advanced weapons - and in my opinion it worked. It will especially appeal to those who have mods with stronger zombies than now (spoiler - I will soon publish a mod with T4 zombies to expand the gameplay).

How it works now:

The player still upgrades until he receives T3 weapons and reads the necessary books to create them. However, when he upgrades his skill in wielding a weapon of interest to him to level 5 (for example, a Machine Gun), he opens a recipe for crafting a mastery book by pumping it up, which he can first improve a regular T3 weapon, and then create an experimental one. A “Mastery Skills” tab has appeared in the character’s skills, where the player can see what he can improve.

Currently only 6 types of improved T4 weapons and 5 types of experimental weapons are available. But I plan to significantly expand this mod in the future, thereby diversifying the gameplay.


I'd love to hear your feedback on this mechanic.
In any case, enjoy the game everyone!


Important! Currently, only ranged weapons are available to the player. Other items will be added a little later. Stay tuned for mod updates.


The link can be here


Greetings to all!
A little background. There are only 3 weapon tiers available in the game. in this case, the player gains access to the very last one at level 80-100. What to do next?

In my opinion, a very promising mod. The first test version has been implemented so far, but there is already something to shoot with and something to craft. I tried not to overinflate the characteristics of advanced weapons - and in my opinion it worked. It will especially appeal to those who have mods with stronger zombies than now (spoiler - I will soon publish a mod with T4 zombies to expand the gameplay).

How it works now:

The player still upgrades until he receives T3 weapons and reads the necessary books to create them. However, when he upgrades his skill in wielding a weapon of interest to him to level 5 (for example, a Machine Gun), he opens a recipe for crafting a mastery book by pumping it up, which he can first improve a regular T3 weapon, and then create an experimental one. A “Mastery Skills” tab has appeared in the character’s skills, where the player can see what he can improve.

Currently only 6 types of improved T4 weapons and 5 types of experimental weapons are available. But I plan to significantly expand this mod in the future, thereby diversifying the gameplay.


I'd love to hear your feedback on this mechanic.
In any case, enjoy the game everyone!


Important! Currently, only ranged weapons are available to the player. Other items will be added a little later. Stay tuned for mod updates.


The link can be here


Greetings to all!
A little background. There are only 3 weapon tiers available in the game. in this case, the player gains access to the very last one at level 80-100. What to do next?

In my opinion, a very promising mod. The first test version has been implemented so far, but there is already something to shoot with and something to craft. I tried not to overinflate the characteristics of advanced weapons - and in my opinion it worked. It will especially appeal to those who have mods with stronger zombies than now (spoiler - I will soon publish a mod with T4 zombies to expand the gameplay).

How it works now:

The player still upgrades until he receives T3 weapons and reads the necessary books to create them. However, when he upgrades his skill in wielding a weapon of interest to him to level 5 (for example, a Machine Gun), he opens a recipe for crafting a mastery book by pumping it up, which he can first improve a regular T3 weapon, and then create an experimental one. A “Mastery Skills” tab has appeared in the character’s skills, where the player can see what he can improve.

Currently only 6 types of improved T4 weapons and 5 types of experimental weapons are available. But I plan to significantly expand this mod in the future, thereby diversifying the gameplay.


I'd love to hear your feedback on this mechanic.
In any case, enjoy the game everyone!


The link can be here


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