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7 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

Max settings and the nonsense you said has nothing to do with balance.  Time management? Skill management for stamina,h20 and food? Dude you gotta be trolling lol. None of those things require any skill in this game or if they do the bar is so low any new player can easily grasp that night zombies go faster, if water or food meter low then eat or drink. 


You are acting like this is POE levels of complexity when this is barely above vanilla minecraft. 


If your friends had to learn from you then God help them because it's obvious they got bad advice. 


This game is literally do trader quest, get end loot, get reward from trader, put point into attributes, put point into damage perk, craft weapon, buy items from trader and repeat till bored.


This is about game balance and how even new players can easily get OP and break game balance just by sticking with their class/attributes and playing the game normally by doing trader quests, looting and collecting rewards.


You are so out of touch with the typical novice player you could as well live on another planet. I am a veteran player and I would not be able to get the stuff you have at day 8, probably not even if I played min-max to the best of my knowledge. Or read the post of this player with 7k hours: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/36651-feedback-difficulty-at-lowest-settings-not-that-low/?do=findComment&comment=562487 . Just two examples of what we would call experienced players. Now assume players that don't know anything about INT being the fast-lane, nothing about perking into other stuff may be a mistake, nothing about running in armor gets you killed or out of food, no idea where to get food from easily, nothing about how to kill a dog before it kills you, ...



Cureently you absolutely need to play INT and invest into DA to be able to get end-game gear. If not, the trader rewards are very well balanced to your game stage. My group currently has one INT player, the rest perk into other attributes.  Except for the INT player we have not seen a single item in the rewards that was better than tier1 and we are on day 18. Mostly I have seen no weapons at all or stone age weapons (EDIT to clarify: ... in the trader rewards!). The trader sometimes has better stuff but we can't afford to buy them. The only one with access to better gear and enough money is our INT player who actually could buy end-game stuff from the trader.





5 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

Max settings and the nonsense you said has nothing to do with balance.  Time management? Skill management for stamina,h20 and food? Dude you gotta be trolling lol. None of those things require any skill in this game or if they do the bar is so low any new player can easily grasp that night zombies go faster, if water or food meter low then eat or drink. 


You are acting like this is POE levels of complexity when this is barely above vanilla minecraft. 


If your friends had to learn from you then God help them because it's obvious they got bad advice. 


This game is literally do trader quest, get end loot, get reward from trader, put point into attributes, put point into damage perk, craft weapon, buy items from trader and repeat till bored.


This is about game balance and how even new players can easily get OP and break game balance just by sticking with their class/attributes and playing the game normally by doing trader quests, looting and collecting rewards.


You are so out of touch with the typical novice player you could as well live on another planet. I am a veteran player and I would not be able to get the stuff you have at day 8, probably not even if I played min-max to the best of my knowledge. Or read the post of this player with 7k hours: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/36651-feedback-difficulty-at-lowest-settings-not-that-low/?do=findComment&comment=562487 . Just two examples of what we would call experienced players. Now assume players that don't know anything about INT being the fast-lane, nothing about perking into other stuff may be a mistake, nothing about running in armor gets you killed or out of food, no idea where to get food from easily, nothing about how to kill a dog before it kills you, ...



Cureently you absolutely need to play INT and invest into DA to be able to get end-game gear. If not, the trader rewards are very well balanced to your game stage. My group currently has one INT player, the rest perk into other attributes.  Except for the INT player we have not seen a single item in the rewards that was better than tier1 and we are on day 18. Mostly I have seen no weapons at all or stone age weapons. The trader sometimes has better stuff but we can't afford to buy them. The only one with access to better gear and enough money is our INT player who actually could buy end-game stuff from the trader.



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