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I just installed the experimental 1.0 version.


I guess I did too many quests in one day, so I get a message saying your daily quest limit has been reached.


edit:  I removed my rant because I realized it wasn't warranted.   This is a setting you can change.   I still kinda think it is absurd to even have a quest limit.  But oh well, I bumped mine to 5. 



I just installed the experimental 1.0 version.


I guess I did too many quests in one day, so I get a message saying your daily quest limit has been reached.


OK, I love this game.  But that is absurd.  Why the 'f' would they limit quests per day, other than just trying to slow down progress?   Lack of content, lack of end game goals, the devs took a cheap shot and said, "You cannot do X amount of quests per day".  


I've had a lot of fun, and a lot of complaints, over the years, but this is basically saying "@%$# you" to the user base.    You can't do too many quests per day?  


Is this a sandbox game, or a scripted event, where we are supposed to just follow the path of exploration and leveling up, without any regard to how people really want to play the game.   Personally, I want to level up, build bases, and explore a world.   The 'fun pimps' seem to want to remove as many aspects of 'fun', and instead force everyone to just raid poi's over and over.  


Please fun pimps, reconsider the idea of limiting questing based on time.  

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