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On 7/3/2024 at 8:30 PM, Rotor said:

So traders are still OP?


Only for getting skill magazines, those bundles are lovely. By the time your high level enough to get decent stuff at the trader you can prob craft way better than they sell.

7 hours ago, binf_shinana said:

I'm only a player since a18, so I don't know about the good old days, but I can understand the feeling that we're too dependent on magazines to improve usability, and the reason to take risks and explore or level up is just personal taste.


Problems were also raised about level-based skills, but this could have been fixed with adjustments (such as adjusting the secret stashes that were too abundant). However, this did not happen in the end.


So, sadly, the following answers will be given to this discussion: sales are up, vanilla definitely made the right changes, there's a problem with the way it plays, if you don't like it, get the mods.


Well yeah, as TFP has pretty much been ignoring community feedback for a long time and just doing what they want it seems. Ever since a17. a16.4's skill system was perfect it just needed a few tweaks that was it. Hell you could even have it work with the learn by looting system, just Action skills will determine what level of say, Pummel pete you can get instead of it being locked to a stat. I personally dispise the fact weapons are locked to stats, Some stats have basiclly nothing I'd want in them other than the gun skill and its just a big waste of skill points to up it for one skill. The whole stat system was by far one of the worse changes to the game as a whole. There is a reason many overhaul mods toss the stat system in the garbage where it belongs, because its just a crap system for this sort of game. It can work better in multiplayer since you can delegate roles, but it really hurts the single player experience the most.


A example of a better stat system would be skills divided into 3 stats, Offense, Survival, and General/Utility. Weapons and stuff would go into offense. sneak/armor skills etc into survival, and general/utility would have stuff like master chef, miner 69'er, motherload etc. This still allows players to focus if they want, but it helps balance single player out far better than the current system does. Another way to do it, is have each level give 1 perk point and 1 Stat point. With higher tiers of stats needing more and more points (maybe take 20-30 to max a stat at 10 in total?). Yet another way is have gear that can add stats to all 4 pieces of armor, so you can end up with +4 (or more as some armor sets add to a stat like miner set adding to str) to a stat. Maybe have looted gear have a chance to randomly spawn with +1 to a stat? Looted only, not crafted. There are several ways they could make the stat system less bad for single player/the game as a whole but they don't seem intersted in doing it.

On 7/3/2024 at 1:38 PM, ElCabong said:

I'll go see trader Jen on my brand new bicycle in my I tier 1 armor set and then loot every newsstand and crack a book I can find. That generally propels me from tier 1 to tier 3 with a tier 4 in armor or a weapon. I use bow and handguns, one of those three. 


Then I head to the desert biome, shake hands with Bob, and do the same thing there. That gets me to tier five and tier six. Then I'll go find trader Hugh, rince and repeat. That propels me beyond tier 6 in everything.


I am positive some go-getter will do all that before they get a bicycle.


I'm doing tier 3 missions in endgame gear. It's a flaw I think you know about.


I have heard from the YouTube "influencers" the next release will implement weather forcing you to equip something before you can enter the next biome. If this is true, I believe everything the influencers say, (face_rolling eyes) that's a good thing. It turns the learning curve from exponential to a stair step. It makes the game better.


If I am forced to take out something I really really want such as my headlamp or armor plate or a triple pocket mod for whatever it is I need to get into the next biome, that sucks hindtitty.


As I recall, tier three armor has two slots. I think I could reasonably expect to get it by  visiting the mickey mouse towns in the forest that I ignore at present. Perhaps I could get close and then get over the hump after I visit Jen. 


I mean if you want the game to really be a challenge you have to put limits on yourself. For example, I sometimes play with a rule where I cannot buy skill magazines or books off traders. This slows down progression a fair bit. In fact I rarely buy anything off traders, especially in 1.0 where they basically never have anything of value anymore.


My biggest issue is travel and the fact you need multiple bases with how the game is setup now, and the fact the vehicles are just too slow for how far your made to travel. I also dislike how random gen is no longer random, its basically the same map every time now other than what poi's spawn in the town and elevation, same sized towns and traders are static to their biome now, it removed the random from random gen. Travel issue could be solved by making vehicles faster or having some sort of fast travel system maybe between traders. I'd also like a mobile base, a vehicle I can put things like a forge into, or that I can "unpack" into a base i've previously made.


Don't get me wrong I still love 7dtd its my most played game on steam even if prob 95%+ of that playtime is in overhauls, its just sad to see the poor state vanilla is in and how it gets steadily worse each alpha and not better.



On 7/3/2024 at 8:30 PM, Rotor said:

So traders are still OP?


Only for getting skill magazines, those bundles are lovely. By the time your high level enough to get decent stuff at the trader you can prob craft way better than they sell.

7 hours ago, binf_shinana said:

I'm only a player since a18, so I don't know about the good old days, but I can understand the feeling that we're too dependent on magazines to improve usability, and the reason to take risks and explore or level up is just personal taste.


Problems were also raised about level-based skills, but this could have been fixed with adjustments (such as adjusting the secret stashes that were too abundant). However, this did not happen in the end.


So, sadly, the following answers will be given to this discussion: sales are up, vanilla definitely made the right changes, there's a problem with the way it plays, if you don't like it, get the mods.


Well yeah, as TFP has pretty much been ignoring community feedback for a long time and just doing what they want it seems. Ever since a17. a16.4's skill system was perfect it just needed a few tweaks that was it. Hell you could even have it work with the learn by looting system, just Action skills will determine what level of say, Pummel pete you can get instead of it being locked to a stat. I personally dispise the fact weapons are locked to stats, Some stats have basiclly nothing I'd want in them other than the gun skill and its just a big waste of skill points to up it for one skill. The whole stat system was by far one of the worse changes to the game as a whole. There is a reason many overhaul mods toss the stat system in the garbage where it belongs, because its just a crap system for this sort of game. It can work better in multiplayer since you can delegate roles, but it really hurts the single player experience the most.


A example of a better stat system would be skills divided into 3 stats, Offense, Survival, and General/Utility. Weapons and stuff would go into offense. sneak/armor skills etc into survival, and general/utility would have stuff like master chef, miner 69'er, motherload etc. This still allows players to focus if they want, but it helps balance single player out far better than the current system does. Another way to do it, is have each level give 1 perk point and 1 Stat point. With higher tiers of stats needing more and more points (maybe take 20-30 to max a stat at 10 in total?). Yet another way is have gear that can add stats to all 4 pieces of armor, so you can end up with +4 (or more as some armor sets add to a stat like miner set adding to str) to a stat. Maybe have looted gear have a chance to randomly spawn with +1 to a stat? Looted only, not crafted. There are several ways they could make the stat system less bad for single player/the game as a whole but they don't seem intersted in doing it.

On 7/3/2024 at 1:38 PM, ElCabong said:

I'll go see trader Jen on my brand new bicycle in my I tier 1 armor set and then loot every newsstand and crack a book I can find. That generally propels me from tier 1 to tier 3 with a tier 4 in armor or a weapon. I use bow and handguns, one of those three. 


Then I head to the desert biome, shake hands with Bob, and do the same thing there. That gets me to tier five and tier six. Then I'll go find trader Hugh, rince and repeat. That propels me beyond tier 6 in everything.


I am positive some go-getter will do all that before they get a bicycle.


I'm doing tier 3 missions in endgame gear. It's a flaw I think you know about.


I have heard from the YouTube "influencers" the next release will implement weather forcing you to equip something before you can enter the next biome. If this is true, I believe everything the influencers say, (face_rolling eyes) that's a good thing. It turns the learning curve from exponential to a stair step. It makes the game better.


If I am forced to take out something I really really want such as my headlamp or armor plate or a triple pocket mod for whatever it is I need to get into the next biome, that sucks hindtitty.


As I recall, tier three armor has two slots. I think I could reasonably expect to get it by  visiting the mickey mouse towns in the forest that I ignore at present. Perhaps I could get close and then get over the hump after I visit Jen. 


I mean if you want the game to really be a challenge you have to put limits on yourself. For example, I sometimes play with a rule where I cannot buy skill magazines or books off traders. This slows down progression a fair bit. In fact I rarely buy anything off traders, especially in 1.0 where they basically never have anything of value anymore.


My biggest issue is travel and the fact you need multiple bases with how the game is setup now, and the fact the vehicles are just too slow for how far your made to travel. I also dislike how random gen is no longer random, its basically the same map every time now other than what poi's spawn in the town and elevation, same sized towns and traders are static to their biome now, it removed the random from random gen. Travel issue could be solved by making vehicles faster or having some sort of fast travel system maybe between traders. I'd also like a mobile base, a vehicle I can put things like a forge into, or that I can "unpack" into a base i've previously made.



On 7/3/2024 at 8:30 PM, Rotor said:

So traders are still OP?


Only for getting skill magazines, those bundles are lovely.

7 hours ago, binf_shinana said:

I'm only a player since a18, so I don't know about the good old days, but I can understand the feeling that we're too dependent on magazines to improve usability, and the reason to take risks and explore or level up is just personal taste.


Problems were also raised about level-based skills, but this could have been fixed with adjustments (such as adjusting the secret stashes that were too abundant). However, this did not happen in the end.


So, sadly, the following answers will be given to this discussion: sales are up, vanilla definitely made the right changes, there's a problem with the way it plays, if you don't like it, get the mods.


Well yeah, as TFP has pretty much been ignoring community feedback for a long time and just doing what they want it seems. Ever since a17. a16.4's skill system was perfect it just needed a few tweaks that was it. Hell you could even have it work with the learn by looting system, just Action skills will determine what level of say, Pummel pete you can get instead of it being locked to a stat. I personally dispise the fact weapons are locked to stats, Some stats have basiclly nothing I'd want in them other than the gun skill and its just a big waste of skill points to up it for one skill. The whole stat system was by far one of the worse changes to the game as a whole. There is a reason many overhaul mods toss the stat system in the garbage where it belongs, because its just a crap system for this sort of game. It can work better in multiplayer since you can delegate roles, but it really hurts the single player experience the most.


A example of a better stat system would be skills divided into 3 stats, Offense, Survival, and General/Utility. Weapons and stuff would go into offense. sneak/armor skills etc into survival, and general/utility would have stuff like master chef, miner 69'er, motherload etc. This still allows players to focus if they want, but it helps balance single player out far better than the current system does. Another way to do it, is have each level give 1 perk point and 1 Stat point. With higher tiers of stats needing more and more points (maybe take 20-30 to max a stat at 10 in total?). Yet another way is have gear that can add stats to all 4 pieces of armor, so you can end up with +4 (or more as some armor sets add to a stat like miner set adding to str) to a stat. Maybe have looted gear have a chance to randomly spawn with +1 to a stat? Looted only, not crafted. There are several ways they could make the stat system less bad for single player/the game as a whole but they don't seem intersted in doing it.

On 7/3/2024 at 1:38 PM, ElCabong said:

I'll go see trader Jen on my brand new bicycle in my I tier 1 armor set and then loot every newsstand and crack a book I can find. That generally propels me from tier 1 to tier 3 with a tier 4 in armor or a weapon. I use bow and handguns, one of those three. 


Then I head to the desert biome, shake hands with Bob, and do the same thing there. That gets me to tier five and tier six. Then I'll go find trader Hugh, rince and repeat. That propels me beyond tier 6 in everything.


I am positive some go-getter will do all that before they get a bicycle.


I'm doing tier 3 missions in endgame gear. It's a flaw I think you know about.


I have heard from the YouTube "influencers" the next release will implement weather forcing you to equip something before you can enter the next biome. If this is true, I believe everything the influencers say, (face_rolling eyes) that's a good thing. It turns the learning curve from exponential to a stair step. It makes the game better.


If I am forced to take out something I really really want such as my headlamp or armor plate or a triple pocket mod for whatever it is I need to get into the next biome, that sucks hindtitty.


As I recall, tier three armor has two slots. I think I could reasonably expect to get it by  visiting the mickey mouse towns in the forest that I ignore at present. Perhaps I could get close and then get over the hump after I visit Jen. 


I mean if you want the game to really be a challenge you have to put limits on yourself. For example, I sometimes play with a rule where I cannot buy skill magazines or books off traders. This slows down progression a fair bit. In fact I rarely buy anything off traders, especially in 1.0 where they basically never have anything of value anymore.


My biggest issue is travel and the fact you need multiple bases with how the game is setup now, and the fact the vehicles are just too slow for how far your made to travel. I also dislike how random gen is no longer random, its basically the same map every time now other than what poi's spawn in the town and elevation, same sized towns and traders are static to their biome now, it removed the random from random gen. Travel issue could be solved by making vehicles faster or having some sort of fast travel system maybe between traders. I'd also like a mobile base, a vehicle I can put things like a forge into, or that I can "unpack" into a base i've previously made.

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