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So I was climbing over a mountain on foot and up near the top of it and jumped to another part and as soon as I did, I died.  No falling damage or anything.  Maybe I would have fallen if the place I landed wasn't good enough to stand on and led to me sliding/falling down the mountain.  That's possible.  But the death should have happened from falling damage and not instantly as soon as I landed on terrain that was equal elevation (at least within 1m) of where I started the jump from.  :(


I suppose it gave me the reason I needed to stop playing that game and make a new map without the limitation to city size that 1.0 added and without the restrictions to trader locations that 1.0 has.  I hadn't been going to change from the RWG map until late game, but after this I might as well.



So I was climbing over a mountain on foot and up near the top of it and jumped to another part and as soon as I did, I died.  No falling damage or anything.  Maybe I would have fallen if the place I landed wasn't good enough to stand on and led to me sliding/falling down the mountain.  That's possible.  But the death should have happened from falling damage and not instantly as soon as I landed on terrain that was equal elevation (at least within 1m) of where I started the jump from.  :(

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