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Hey all,


Just quickly for the devs: thanks so much for 1.0! 


Now for my weird question:

I want to generate a electrical signal that turns itself on and off periodically endlessly in a loop (for example a light that goes on and off in a loop). I have some wicked base builds in mind that needs this in 1.0.


The closest setup I got working, is a motion camera (set with a particular delay and duration) that opens a powered door. Behind the door is a trapped boar that will be seen by the camera. Works really well actually (door keeps looping from opened to closed, yay!),  but the problem is: animals (and zombies for that matter) disappear when reloading/reopening the game. *sad face*


Can anyone tell me a working setup?

(I've been trying for hours lol :) )



Hey all,


Just quickly for the devs: thanks so much for 1.0! 


Now for my weird question:

I want to generate a electrical signal that turns itself on and off periodically endlessly in a loop (for example a light that goes on and off in a loop). I have some wicked base builds in mind that needs this in 1.0.


The closest setup I got working, is a motion camera (set with a particular delay and duration) that opens a powered door. Behind the door is a trapped boar that will be seen by the camera. Works really well actually (door keeps looping from open to close, yay!),  but the problem is: animals (and zombies for that matter) disappear when reloading/reopening the game. *sad face*


Can anyone tell me a working setup?

(I've been trying for hours lol :) )

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