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5 minutes ago, arramus said:

The biome spawning entities have no hook up into game stage at the moment. It would require a Harmony Patch Mod to override the current default process, unless a well versed modder has another approach. Very unfortunate as it would offer a helpful solution for challenge and progression to slowly feed in more challenging zombies, which could ultimately include the flyers, but at a time they feel appropriate.

1000% !!! 


This is what I ended with currently, I hope the spawn rate isn't TOO TOO low. Have to find out


        animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .025
        animalZombieSnakePLUS, .025
        zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .025
        zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .025
        zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .025
        zombieBatonHazmatPLUS, .025
        zombieMachetePartyGirlPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .025
        animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, 0.0125        
        animalBossZombieGracePLUS, 0.0125
        animalPaindeerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieBogeymanPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieCrispyPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieScorcherPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieScorcherRadiatedPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieRocketRadiatedPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieRocketPLUS, 0.0125

2 minutes ago, arramus said:

The biome spawning entities have no hook up into game stage at the moment. It would require a Harmony Patch Mod to override the current default process, unless a well versed modder has another approach. Very unfortunate as it would offer a helpful solution for challenge and progression to slowly feed in more challenging zombies, which could ultimately include the flyers, but at a time they feel appropriate.

1000% !!! 

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