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5 hours ago, Lyote said:

I don't think anyone would argue about Strength being overtuned lol

My issue with Intellect as it currently stands is that it has no early game dedicated ranged weapon. You're stuck predominantly in melee with handicapped stats on the most handicapped guns the game has to offer lol
In general, any playthrough we do will have use dipping into the other attributes over time. But its not something you go all in with in the first week. 

The lack of a dedicated ranged perk has a compound effect when you take the Attribute levels into consideration. 
10 - 30% damage alone is something you can easily work around. If that was all you were missing out on. 
But  raw damage in addition to a faster reload stuck to more fire rate on top of extra headshot damage with a side of extra dismember chance ... 

It all compounds together lol.

I think we can all agree that Junk Turrets are REALLY good in the late game. But as i said earlier, You wont have a Junk Turret UNTIL its late game.

There's also the problem of the Turret perks being utterly useless to take until you can craft at least your first Sledge Turret. Every other attribute gets instant value from their gun line through access to Pipe Gun recipes we have by default. You can have your preferred Pipe Gun in under 30 minutes from spawn. Heck, Most times the POI i spawn next to has a Pipe Gun in it before i even head to the trader. Who now hands you a pipe gun bundle for talking to him anyways, lol.
Good luck finding 11 Robotics books and building a Workbench inside 30 minutes from spawn lol

There is absolutely no harm in adding a dedicated INT based ranged weapon. 
I suggested Crossbow for this because it kind of fits with the inventor nature of INTs theme. And also because why does Agility technically need 3 ranged weapons in the form of Pistols, Bows and Crossbows?

Nothing would change in the late game for INT to have its own gun. 
It would only raise up INTs early game to match all the other attributes in having their own dedicated guns. 


Damage wise the crossbow is the better bow, though some people (like me) just like the bow better for strange reasons like a real trajectory you have to adapt to. You can see it in the magazine list, that it isn't unlocked parallel with the bow, but after it. Giving it to INT would make INT a great starter class and with the turrets and all a great end-game class for combat as well, which is exactly how TFP not wants the INT class.


Remember, TFP wants INT as a class strong on utility and weaker on damage output, something different to the other classes (and yes, I value such difference greatly when I replay 7D2D the umpteenth time). There is no use in telling TFP what to do. If they were to want it they would find a way.

Instead you first would have to convince TFP that such a difference in classes is bad for the game. And except for the disadvantage that you have to probably tell something to novice players about INT being slighty harder to play I don't see anything that would make **me** change INT combat in any way.


The only case you might have is that INTs vast superiority in utility depends to a large part on the trader and since the trader is thankfully nerfed now that superiority might not be as much as it was in previous alphas where veterans often placed INT as superior even to STR because it made it so easy to speed up the progression.






4 hours ago, Lyote said:

I don't think anyone would argue about Strength being overtuned lol

My issue with Intellect as it currently stands is that it has no early game dedicated ranged weapon. You're stuck predominantly in melee with handicapped stats on the most handicapped guns the game has to offer lol
In general, any playthrough we do will have use dipping into the other attributes over time. But its not something you go all in with in the first week. 

The lack of a dedicated ranged perk has a compound effect when you take the Attribute levels into consideration. 
10 - 30% damage alone is something you can easily work around. If that was all you were missing out on. 
But  raw damage in addition to a faster reload stuck to more fire rate on top of extra headshot damage with a side of extra dismember chance ... 

It all compounds together lol.

I think we can all agree that Junk Turrets are REALLY good in the late game. But as i said earlier, You wont have a Junk Turret UNTIL its late game.

There's also the problem of the Turret perks being utterly useless to take until you can craft at least your first Sledge Turret. Every other attribute gets instant value from their gun line through access to Pipe Gun recipes we have by default. You can have your preferred Pipe Gun in under 30 minutes from spawn. Heck, Most times the POI i spawn next to has a Pipe Gun in it before i even head to the trader. Who now hands you a pipe gun bundle for talking to him anyways, lol.
Good luck finding 11 Robotics books and building a Workbench inside 30 minutes from spawn lol

There is absolutely no harm in adding a dedicated INT based ranged weapon. 
I suggested Crossbow for this because it kind of fits with the inventor nature of INTs theme. And also because why does Agility technically need 3 ranged weapons in the form of Pistols, Bows and Crossbows?

Nothing would change in the late game for INT to have its own gun. 
It would only raise up INTs early game to match all the other attributes in having their own dedicated guns. 


Damage wise the crossbow is the better bow, though some people (like me) just like the bow better for strange reasons like a real trajectory you have to adapt to. You can see it in the magazine list, that it isn't unlocked parallel with the bow, but after it. Giving it to INT would make INT a great starter class, which is exactly how TFP not wants the INT class.


Remember, TFP wants INT as a class strong on utility and weaker on damage output, something different to the other classes (and yes, I value such difference greatly when I replay 7D2D the umpteenth time). There is no use in telling TFP what to do. If they were to want it they would find a way.

Instead you first would have to convince TFP that such a difference in classes is bad for the game. And except for the disadvantage that you have to probably tell something to novice players about INT being slighty harder to play I don't see anything that would make **me** change INT combat in any way.


The only case you might have is that INTs vast superiority in utility depends to a large part on the trader and since the trader is thankfully nerfed now that superiority might not be as much as it was in previous alphas where veterans often placed INT as superior even to STR because it made it so easy to speed up the progression.




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