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1 hour ago, zztong said:


If you're using the feature that reloads the chunk if you've been gone for a while then the nests will refresh.


I'd rather them do what many overhauls do, they add them as drops when you butcher chickens, or have a workstation that lets you trade say, corn, for eggs/feathers over time at a chicken coop. I also do not trust that feature to not reset my base chunk if I am away from it for a while, yes I have a land claim down but I don't trust the coding for it.



1 hour ago, zztong said:


If you're using the feature that reloads the chunk if you've been gone for a while then the nests will refresh.


I'd rather them do what many overhauls do, they add them as drops when you butcher chickens, or have a workstation that lets you trade say, corn, for eggs/feathers over time at a chicken coop.

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