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I'd say the preacher gloves in their current state are basically required in the game due to how much health things have and how weak the weapons are compared. I mean have you seen ferals? a minimum of 500 hp each, I've had non feral bowlers and bikers with over 630 hp as well. meanwhile your guns do like... 40. Which brings me to another issue why the hell ARE the guns so weak? many of them don't even do the damage listed on the ammo which makes no sense. The pipe machine gun is the biggest offender of this as the 7.62 round says it has a base dmg of 47 on it, it should be doing 47 period no matter what gun its fired out of, yet this gun does 30 damage, which is rather weak. I know I know primitve gun, but I mean the gun is not really going to lower how powerful a shot is, it might effect how accurate it is though.



I'd say the preacher gloves in their current state are basically required in the game due to how much health things have and how weak the weapons are compared. I mean have you seen ferals? a minimum of 500 hp each, meanwhile your guns do like... 40. Which brings me to another issue why the hell ARE the guns so weak? many of them don't even do the damage listed on the ammo which makes no sense. The pipe machine gun is the biggest offender of this as the 7.62 round says it has a base dmg of 47 on it, it should be doing 47 period no matter what gun its fired out of, yet this gun does 30 damage, which is rather weak. I know I know primitve gun, but I mean the gun is not really going to lower how powerful a shot is, it might effect how accurate it is though.

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