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You got a great basic game which is good foundation for potential future mod packs. Modders are already doing great stuff as it is only expecting even more in future.
Pimps can't please everyone's taste and desires, but as you wrote yourself they did meet many of them.

Minecraft basic game is also lacking compared to modded Minecraft, bud modded community made the game what it is, still after so many years later.

And I also wish they would add something to wilderness experience which is currently dead space with trees, like maybe random encounters,special quest locations etc.,  or you could only mine in hilly areas as such- in old Alphas you had to travel between biomes to mine specific ores, but than again what ever they do there will be players who wants it differently or doesnt like the additions.



You got a great basic game which is good foundation for potential future mod packs. Modders are already doing great stuff as it is only expecting even more in future.
Pimps can't please everyone's taste and desires, but as you wrote yourself they did meet many of them.

Minecraft basic game is also lacking compared to modded Minecraft, bud modded community made the game what it is, still after so many years later.

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