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12 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Yes, and now it is completely reversed, assuming co-op quests as a group.  It should be equal for single player or group. 


No it is not reversed as you still have many advantages as a group. Usual survival workload is shared between the group (one builds the base, one mines, one makes the food, makes it done 3 times faster). Doing any single quest is at least 2 to 3 times faster AND you can do multiple quests before returning to the trader. All the loot has a lot more chance to be useful to one of you. Oh @%$# situations are 10 times better survivable. And I surely forgot a few.





6 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Yes, and now it is completely reversed, assuming co-op quests as a group.  It should be equal for single player or group. 


No it is not reversed as you still have many advantages as a group. Usual survival workload is shared between the group. Doing any single quest is at least 2 to 3 times faster AND you can do multiple quests before returning to the trader. All the loot has a lot more chance to be useful to one of you. Oh @%$# situations are 10 times better survivable. And I surely forgot a few.





2 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Yes, and now it is completely reversed, assuming co-op quests as a group.  It should be equal for single player or group. 


No it is not reversed as you still have many advantages as a group. Usual survival workload is shared between the group, doing any single quest is at least 2 to 3 times faster AND you can do multiple quests before returning to the trader. All the loot has a lot more change to be useful to one of you. Oh @%$# situations are 10 times better survivable. And I surely forgot a few.



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