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32 minutes ago, 8_Hussars said:

Again Contrary Opinion.

There seems to be an underlying assumption that all co-op players have to min/max Trader Stage.  Further, that to enjoy running a co-op quest every participant needs more incentive, than the safety and speed from numbers.

With the nerfed 1.0 quest rewards is Trader Stage even important, now that traders rep up simultaneously again?

The pleasure of running a POI(s) in a group is its own reward for me, or I just do my own thing and mine/build/farm to support the group.

I think you aren't seeing the problem.  Let's just look at the first two tiers on an 8 player game.  Tier 1 is 10 points and tier two is 20 additional points. 


That is a total of 80 quests for tier 1 and 160 quests for tier 2.  If everyone wants to quest together and if they really push things, they might complete 10 in a day on 60 minute days.  That's 8 days for tier 1 and 16 more days for tier 2.  Day 24 to reach tier 3?  That is crazy.  And that's just to complete the first two tiers.


Now, yes, you can split the party and have smaller groups do quests instead of the entire group, but you shouldn't penalize a group that wants to quest together.  And even if you split it into two groups of four, you still have a lot of days to get the tiers up.


About the only solution is to have only one person level up their tier to 5/6 and then bring everyone on high level quests to get them the multiple points per quest.  I don't think that is a good design choice, either.


It isn't about whether it is fun to just quest.  It is about the time required to complete the tiers.  In single player, you will always complete yours multiple times faster than multiplayer unless everyone on multiplayer quests solo, which isn't why you play multiplayer.  It should be the same progression regardless of number of players.



20 minutes ago, 8_Hussars said:

Again Contrary Opinion.

There seems to be an underlying assumption that all co-op players have to min/max Trader Stage.  Further, that to enjoy running a co-op quest every participant needs more incentive, than the safety and speed from numbers.

With the nerfed 1.0 quest rewards is Trader Stage even important, now that traders rep up simultaneously again?

The pleasure of running a POI(s) in a group is its own reward for me, or I just do my own thing and mine/build/farm to support the group.

I think you aren't seeing the problem.  Let's just look at the first two tiers on an 8 player game.  Tier 1 is 10 points and tier two is 20 additional points. 


That is a total of 80 quests for tier 1 and 160 quests for tier 2.  If everyone wants to quest together and if they really push things, they might complete 10 in a day on 60 minute days.  That's 8 days for tier 1 and 16 more days for tier 2.  Day 24 to reach tier 3?  That is crazy.  And that's just to complete the first two tiers.


Now, yes, you can split the party and have smaller groups do quests instead of the entire group, but you shouldn't legalize a group that wants to quest together.  And even if you split it into two groups of four, you still have a lot of days to get the tiers up.


About the only solution is to have only one person level up their tier to 5/6 and then bring everyone on high level quests to get them the multiple points per quest.  I don't think that is a good design choice, either.


It isn't about whether it is fun to just quest.  It is about the time required to complete the tiers.  In single player, you will always complete yours multiple times faster than multiplayer unless everyone on multiplayer quests solo, which isn't why you play multiplayer.  It should be the same progression regardless of number of players.

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