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2 hours ago, Bask said:

I believe the biggest draw for player counts right now is multiplayer. I have gotten 3 people to play personally and everyone I know says that the main issue they have is that everyone needs to funnel all the magazines to one person and it feels like being a side character in someone else's game instead of playing together. Hearing that shared quests only progress one person is a major turn-off. Making a setting for shared magazines and shared quests so it's at least optional would bring a lot of players back to the game and make new players more likely to stay since they can customize preferences for multiplayer. I understand their reasoning and I'm not trying to convince them to make this change the default, but more settings like this to tune progression would be great for a lot of players. I remember when Xp sharing didn't exist and it was actually night and day when it got added. The option for little changes like this can flip someone's whole attitude about the game. This and optimization make up about 80% of the bad mojo surrounding this game, and fixing the former would bring way more hype to the 1.0 launch.

There have been many topics about magazines so I won't go into that much, but the short answer is that sharing magazines in MP isn't all that difficult.  Read the ones you use and put the rest into a shared chest for others to read.  No need to keep track of who reads what.  Is it ideal?  No.  Does it work?  Yes.  Is there a mod that removes magazines if you don't like them?  Yes, though it would need to be updated for 1.0.


Regarding quest sharing, where did you see that only one person gets the progression?  I haven't seen that.  That would be an unusual change considering the challenges are shared if they are kills and only need to be done individually for something like crafting or collecting (though collecting would probably work if you gave stuff to the other person).  But maybe they did something with that since they tied all trader progression together instead of having it different for each trader so that it didn't progress too quickly in MP.



1 hour ago, Bask said:

I believe the biggest draw for player counts right now is multiplayer. I have gotten 3 people to play personally and everyone I know says that the main issue they have is that everyone needs to funnel all the magazines to one person and it feels like being a side character in someone else's game instead of playing together. Hearing that shared quests only progress one person is a major turn-off. Making a setting for shared magazines and shared quests so it's at least optional would bring a lot of players back to the game and make new players more likely to stay since they can customize preferences for multiplayer. I understand their reasoning and I'm not trying to convince them to make this change the default, but more settings like this to tune progression would be great for a lot of players. I remember when Xp sharing didn't exist and it was actually night and day when it got added. The option for little changes like this can flip someone's whole attitude about the game. This and optimization make up about 80% of the bad mojo surrounding this game, and fixing the former would bring way more hype to the 1.0 launch.

There have been many topics about magazines so I won't go into that much, but the short answer is that sharing magazines in MP isn't all that difficult.  Read the ones you use and put the rest into a shared chest for others to read.  No need to keep track of who reads what.  Is it ideal?  No.  Does it work?  Yes.  Is there a mod that removes magazines if you don't like them?  Yes, though it would need to be updated for 1.0.


Regarding quest sharing, where did you see that only one person gets the progression?  I haven't seen that.  That would be an unusual move considering the challenges are shared if they are kills and only need to be individually for something like crafting or collecting (though collecting would probably work if you gave stuff to the other person).  But maybe they did something with that since they tied all trader progression together instead of having it different for each trader so that it didn't progress too quickly in MP.

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