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They can do anything they want with the POI, but whether they can use the name "Vedrit" is a different question. They could not if it was his real name, with pseudonyms it might be again a question of copyright, and since the name was not taken from the game it may or may not fall under the clause


My guess is that pseudonyms are unprotected anyway, so unless you create a trademark out of a pseudonym they could call any POI VictoriousIII's hookers right now, without you having created anything in the game.




They can do anything they want with the POI, but whether they can use the name "Vedrit" is a different question. They could not if it was his real name, with pseudonyms it might be again a question of copyright, and since the name was not taken from the game it may or may not fall under the clause




They can do anything they want with the POI, but whether they can use the name "Vedrit" is a different question. They could not if it was his real name, with pseudonyms it might be again a question of copyright, and since the name was not taken from the game it doesn't fall under the clause.


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