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On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28 before you even get fully lasting blood moons. And yes, that´s with difficulty turned way up and max zombies hordenight.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.


One thing i can already say it that the shared quest progression is kinda meh. But not for vanilla, i don´t mind it there i think. Just depends on how the overhaul mods will handle it. With challenging difficulty settings in DF or War3zUK you don´t wanna be stuck in T1 for ages in MP for example.



On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28 before you even get fully lasting blood moons. And yes, that´s with difficulty turned way up and max zombies hordenight.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.



On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28. And yes, that´s with difficulty turned way up and max zombies hordenight.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.



On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28. And yes, that´s with difficulty turned way up and max zombbie hordenight.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.



On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28 before 1.0.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.

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