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7 minutes ago, LordDraxius said:

I remember cars having alarms.  It feels like this is a long time into a zed apocalypse.  It doesn't bother me tho.  The cooking and food cost and quality bugs me a lot.  I have to eat 3 charred meat to get full-ish and each takes 5 raw meat.  A pain early game, a non issue mid game.  Just charred meat bugs me.


Charred Meat has always bugged me period, as how inept of a cook do you need to be to burn meat that badly? I've cooked meat irl over a campfire, you have to actually try to be able to burn it that bad. Be better if it was called "Roasted meat" and just didn't look as burnt.

6 minutes ago, Ranzera said:

As was A21, as was A20, A19 was aight, A18 was an apology for A17 and A17 was an atrocity. It's been a thing for awhile now.

This game really started falling off when the default difficulty was moved to Adventurer. Ever since then it's been becoming more and more of a Fischer Price zombie game. If the zombies are a little tankier, I'd actually say that's a good thing.


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.


Well least mods will make the game fun again, its just waiting for them to update which usually takes a few months, prob will take longer this time due to the new model and armor changes. I doubt i'll play more than this 1 game of 1.0 till the overhauls hit. I'll be shocked if I make it to day 7 or 14 with how much of a snore fest it feels like so far in vanilla.



5 minutes ago, LordDraxius said:

I remember cars having alarms.  It feels like this is a long time into a zed apocalypse.  It doesn't bother me tho.  The cooking and food cost and quality bugs me a lot.  I have to eat 3 charred meat to get full-ish and each takes 5 raw meat.  A pain early game, a non issue mid game.  Just charred meat bugs me.


Charred Meat has always bugged me period, as how inept of a cook do you need to be to burn meat that badly? I've cooked meat irl over a campfire, you have to actually try to be able to burn it that bad. Be better if it was called "Roasted meat" and just didn't look as burnt.

4 minutes ago, Ranzera said:

As was A21, as was A20, A19 was aight, A18 was an apology for A17 and A17 was an atrocity. It's been a thing for awhile now.

This game really started falling off when the default difficulty was moved to Adventurer. Ever since then it's been becoming more and more of a Fischer Price zombie game. If the zombies are a little tankier, I'd actually say that's a good thing.


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.


Well least mods will make the game fun again, its just waiting for the to update which usually takes a few months, prob will take longer this time due to the new model and armor changes. I doubt i'll play more than this 1 game of 1.0 till the overhauls hit. I'll be shocked if I make it to day 7 or 14 with how much of a snore fest it feels like so far in vanilla.



Just now, LordDraxius said:

I remember cars having alarms.  It feels like this is a long time into a zed apocalypse.  It doesn't bother me tho.  The cooking and food cost and quality bugs me a lot.  I have to eat 3 charred meat to get full-ish and each takes 5 raw meat.  A pain early game, a non issue mid game.  Just charred meat bugs me.


Charred Meat has always bugged me period, as how inept of a cook do you need to be to burn meat that badly? I've cooked meat irl over a campfire, you have to actually try to be able to burn it that bad. Be better if it was called "Roasted meat" and just didn't look as burnt.

1 minute ago, Ranzera said:

As was A21, as was A20, A19 was aight, A18 was an apology for A17 and A17 was an atrocity. It's been a thing for awhile now.

This game really started falling off when the default difficulty was moved to Adventurer. Ever since then it's been becoming more and more of a Fischer Price zombie game. If the zombies are a little tankier, I'd actually say that's a good thing.


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.

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