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I like the new armor system, all with pros and cons. I am switching around pieces quite a lot and I like it adds to imersivness. +1

Was expecting with preacher gloves it will be melee all the way, but after day 25-30 or so when you get Rad weights in snow biome and rad bikers it feels like poking them with a stick. Feels more like old school difficulty and I hope they keep it. Been playing on adventurer, but it felt too easy even for the first playthrough, switched to nomad feels better. 

Well I enjoy this first playthrough much more than before, but I am getting close to reaching max levels with armor and weapons/tools. So I can say it took me 25% - 30% longer than before to get here, currently on day 40 and in haven't played this long since A16. ( been playing 7D2D since A9 ).
Game feels much more balanced items/money wise. I never had to look for leather before( except A16 :) ), I actually started breaking down seats in restaurants  again and collecting chairs for leather to build armor sets.
Money is also not abundant, hardly ever have more than one stack and for the first time I am actually finding vending machines candy useful and needed.
So great job pimps with balancing the game and making scavenging interesting so it makes you think about what to craft first and than scavenge for more resources to craft rest of the stuff.

But that said I don't see much to do after day 40 or even 50+. 



I like the new armor system, all with pros and cons. I am switching around pieces quite alot and I like it adds to immersivnes. +1

Was expecting with preacher gloves it will be melee all the way, but after day 25-30 or so when you get Rad weights in snow biome and rad bikers it feels like poking them with a stick. Feels more like old school dificulty and I hope they keep it. Been playing on adventurer, but it felt too easy even for the first playthrough. 

Well I enjoy this first playthrough much more than before, but I am getting close to reaching max levels with armor and weapons/tools. So I can say it took me 25% - 30% longer than before to get here, curently on day 40 and in havent playet this long since A16. ( been playing 7D2D since A9 ).
Game feels much more ballanced items/money wise. I never had to look for leather before( except A16 :) ), I actually started breaking down seats in restaurants  again and collecting chairs for leather to build armor sets.
Money is also not abundant, hardly ever have more than one stack and for the first time I am actually finding vending machines candy usefull and needed.
So great job pimps with balancing the game and making scaveging interesting so it makes you think about what to craft first and than scavange for more resources to craft rest of the stuff.

But that said I don't see much to do after day 40 or even 50+. 

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