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+grafix looks better

+the player characters are VERY VERY COOL, the woman look SUPER (the woman player sound is bad lol, like its 15%faster)

+the burned area

+the bad weather in burned area / wasted land

+the mini Bear

+the car and all motorized things YEAHHHH NICE


+/-0 the zombies all other clothes? nobody has needed this


- all the terrains look boring annoing when u drive in it... all look the same

- green biome 2 much sun

- the distance of the grafix loading is RIDICULOUS small....for what? for iphone users? (yes i made on 2000 max distance)

- sounds are boring (from dog) and creatures other...no natural feeling

- the adversing BEFORE start game + and the "u want to spawn sign" WHAT the XXXX of drugs u have eaten to make this 2 annoying things? lol

- using the fire torch animation is 2 slow

- the hands from players are....so badly..no reflektion/shades/dirt details

- in Burned area is NOT the only place for COAL (why? in a18 only in burned u can find coal) (nitrate as idea u shoud find only in snow area)

- the feeling isnt coming..it looks boring, u run around, all look the same ( its like a SMARTPHONE game)


10min played...it try tomorrow again




+grafix looks better

+the burned area

+the bad weather in burned area / wasted land


- all the terrains look boring annoing when u drive in it... all look the same

- green biome 2 much sun

- the distance of the grafix loading is RIDICULOUS small....for what? for iphone users? (yes i made on 2000 max distance)

- sounds are boring (from dog) and creatures other...no natural feeling

- the adversing BEFORE start game + and the "u want to spawn sign" WHAT the XXXX of drugs u have eaten to make this 2 annoying things? lol

- using the fire torch animation is 2 slow

- the hands from players are....so badly..no reflektion/shades/dirt details

- in Burned area is NOT the only place for COAL (why? in a18 only in burned u can find coal) (nitrate as idea u shoud find only in snow area)

- the feeling isnt coming..it looks boring, u run around, all look the same ( its like a SMARTPHONE game)


10min played...it try tomorrow again




+grafix looks better


- all the terrains look boring annoing when u drive in it... all look the same

- green biome 2 much sun

- the distance of the grafix loading is RIDICULOUS small....for what? for iphone users? (yes i made on 2000 max distance)

- sounds are boring (from dog) and creatures other...no natural feeling

- the adversing BEFORE start game + and the "u want to spawn sign" WHAT the XXXX of drugs u have eaten to make this 2 annoying things? lol

- using the fire torch animation is 2 slow

- the hands from players are....so badly..no reflektion/shades/dirt details

- the feeling isnt coming..it looks boring, u run around, all look the same ( its like a SMARTPHONE game)


10min played...it try tomorrow again


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