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10 hours ago, weldabar said:

I agree strongly with most of your points. And want to add/emphasize:

  • why add "hold Y" to do something that doesn't benefit from the extra complication?
  • why is d-pad-left not 'light' like it is in vehicles? keep it consistent.
  • hold d-pad could be very useful for things that are not urgent, like 'light'
  • remove the wrap-around. When I'm trying  to select something in the top left and suddenly the selection is in the bottom right with no quick way to get back.
  • don't default to top-left when looking into a container. It makes base inventory management a nightmare. Or provide a single-button press to swap to your inventory or the container's.
  • give us the free cursor back. It worked. It's infinitely better than whatever there is now.
  • when we select controller layer as PlayStation, give us PlayStation button prompts.

I've tweaked my controller settings extensively in-game and in steam. I have controller 'hotkeys' for all 10 toolbelt slots (I had 15 in A21 but they removed this ability). I still  have access to the toolbelt wheel,  quick-swap, and light. Right d-pad is map. Left d-pad is quests. But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor. It is molasses slow to do any inventory management as it is. And some things cannot be done without mouse and keyboard.


Overall the game is unplayable with controller only. If combined with keyboard and mouse it upgrades to painfully slow.


> But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor.


Yeah that's the crux of this problem. The UI of 7 Days lends itself to being a cursor-native interface. Unless TFP plans on completely overhauling the UI and providing a controller-native version (which MUST be just as fast to use as the current one), this decision is going to be some real @%$# for console gamers. If TFP wants a classic example of how even AAA titles realized they can't use a KBM/PC native interface w/ a controller without a cursor input, they can look to Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online. The controller UI is vastly different than the PC/KBM interface for a good reason. It's not perfect, but Bethesda/ZM did this quite well because they knew that a controller UI needed to be intentionally created controller-native to begin with that efficiency in mind. You can't square-peg-round-hole a non-controller-native UI control-style onto a KBM/mouse-native UI and remove the cursor. It doesn't work like that.



10 hours ago, weldabar said:

I agree strongly with most of your points. And want to add/emphasize:

  • why add "hold Y" to do something that doesn't benefit from the extra complication?
  • why is d-pad-left not 'light' like it is in vehicles? keep it consistent.
  • hold d-pad could be very useful for things that are not urgent, like 'light'
  • remove the wrap-around. When I'm trying  to select something in the top left and suddenly the selection is in the bottom right with no quick way to get back.
  • don't default to top-left when looking into a container. It makes base inventory management a nightmare. Or provide a single-button press to swap to your inventory or the container's.
  • give us the free cursor back. It worked. It's infinitely better than whatever there is now.
  • when we select controller layer as PlayStation, give us PlayStation button prompts.

I've tweaked my controller settings extensively in-game and in steam. I have controller 'hotkeys' for all 10 toolbelt slots (I had 15 in A21 but they removed this ability). I still  have access to the toolbelt wheel,  quick-swap, and light. Right d-pad is map. Left d-pad is quests. But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor. It is molasses slow to do any inventory management as it is. And some things cannot be done without mouse and keyboard.


Overall the game is unplayable with controller only. If combined with keyboard and mouse it upgrades to painfully slow.


> But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor.


Yeah that's the crux of this problem. The UI of 7 Days lends itself to being a cursor-native interface. Unless TFP plans on completely overhauling the UI and providing a controller-native version (which MUST be just as fast to use as the current one), this decision is going to be some real @%$# for console gamers. If TFP wants a classic example of how even AAA titles realized they can't use a KBM/PC native interface w/ a controller without a cursor input, they can look to Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online. The controller UI is vastly different than the PC/KBM interface for a good reason. It's not perfect, but Bethesda/ZM did this quite well because they knew that a controller native UI can't be used like a controller native UI unless it was intentionally created controller-native to begin with.



10 hours ago, weldabar said:

I agree strongly with most of your points. And want to add/emphasize:

  • why add "hold Y" to do something that doesn't benefit from the extra complication?
  • why is d-pad-left not 'light' like it is in vehicles? keep it consistent.
  • hold d-pad could be very useful for things that are not urgent, like 'light'
  • remove the wrap-around. When I'm trying  to select something in the top left and suddenly the selection is in the bottom right with no quick way to get back.
  • don't default to top-left when looking into a container. It makes base inventory management a nightmare. Or provide a single-button press to swap to your inventory or the container's.
  • give us the free cursor back. It worked. It's infinitely better than whatever there is now.
  • when we select controller layer as PlayStation, give us PlayStation button prompts.

I've tweaked my controller settings extensively in-game and in steam. I have controller 'hotkeys' for all 10 toolbelt slots (I had 15 in A21 but they removed this ability). I still  have access to the toolbelt wheel,  quick-swap, and light. Right d-pad is map. Left d-pad is quests. But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor. It is molasses slow to do any inventory management as it is. And some things cannot be done without mouse and keyboard.


Overall the game is unplayable with controller only. If combined with keyboard and mouse it upgrades to painfully slow.


> But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor.


Yeah the UI of 7 Days lends itself to being a cursor-native interface. Unless TFP plans on completely overhauling the UI and providing a controller-native version (which MUST be just as fast to use as the current one), this decision is going to be some real @%$# for console gamers. If TFP wants a classic example of how even AAA titles realized they can't use a KBM/PC native interface w/ a controller without a cursor input, they can look to Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online. The controller UI is vastly different than the PC/KBM interface for a good reason. It's not perfect, but Bethesda/ZM did this quite well because they knew that a controller native UI can't be used like a controller native UI unless it was intentionally created controller-native to begin with.

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