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Some of the pc controls have also changed a bit due to the consoification of the game. When jumping on a ladder now if you hold space, you'll fall right off it, you just have to tap it, also there is a sprint lock function now where if u tap the sprint/turbo button while moving it locks sprint/turbo till u stop, the latter is welcomed, the former took some getting used to as at first I could not figure out why my char couldn't jump onto a ladder that was 2 blocks off the ground. Till I was told other people have had that issue in a mods discord and they figured it out that u jump tap jump for it to grab onto it properly. Most people tend to hold jump down till they land as many games lets you control jump height based on keeping the button held.


I do wish 7dtd would do this as well, I never get parkour, because when your char starts being able ot jump 2-3 blocks, it tends to cause the chars head to glitch into the cielings, and there is no way to choose your jump height, once you get the perk, your always jumping 2-3 blocks no matter what.

2 hours ago, RoughCactus69 said:

I'm not going to lie, I absolutely love the utter hatred towards the new controls. It shows the devs that they @%$#ed up. I genuinely don't know how it made it past testing. They really should've had someone who used controller before try it out. Because it's awful!

It's like they saw it was at minimum playable and just went "Eh it works. Let's ship it.". @%$# that mentality. For this big of a drop (To consoles and to PC's) the controls need to be GOOD. You don't want to @%$# off the console players anymore. Trust me on that. 


EDIT: Side note. Most of the people posting here are people who created a forum account just to say how bad the controls are. If your players are willing to do that, you know you @%$#ed up.





Honestly you could say that about most of 7dtd after alpha 16.4, with 1.0 being the biggest offender of "what the hell devs? do you even play your own game and see how unfun/tedious this is?" The skill system alone was a good example of devs not playing their own game, as the skill system while fine in multiplayer as you have other people you can give roles to, in single player it severly hampers the player since you have to do everything yourself, would be less of a issue if they made weapons and tools be a learn by doing action skill, where the action skill determines what level of the assoiated perk you can get. Eg if you wanna use clubs, you attack with clubs at skill 1 u can get pummel pete 1, at skill 10, pummel pete 2, 20 pummel pete 3, 40 for lv4 and 60 or 80 for lv 5. Other perks can stay where they are. you could alternativly lower the stats down to 3. Combat, Survival and Utility. all weapons would be under combat, stuff like stealth and cooking could be under survival, stuff like miner 69'er/motherload would be utility etc.



Some of the pc controls have also changed a bit due to the consoification of the game. When jumping on a ladder now if you hold space, you'll fall right off it, you just have to tap it, also there is a sprint lock function now where if u tap the sprint/turbo button while moving it locks sprint/turbo till u stop, the latter is welcomed, the former took some getting used to as at first I could not figure out why my char couldn't jump onto a ladder that was 2 blocks off the ground. Till I was told other people have had that issue in a mods discord and they figured it out that u jump tap jump for it to grab onto it properly. Most people tend to hold jump down till they land as many games lets you control jump height based on keeping the button held.


I do wish 7dtd would do this as well, I never get parkour, because when your char starts being able ot jump 2-3 blocks, it tends to cause the chars head to glitch into the cielings, and there is no way to choose your jump height, once you get the perk, your always jumping 2-3 blocks no matter what.

2 hours ago, RoughCactus69 said:

I'm not going to lie, I absolutely love the utter hatred towards the new controls. It shows the devs that they @%$#ed up. I genuinely don't know how it made it past testing. They really should've had someone who used controller before try it out. Because it's awful!

It's like they saw it was at minimum playable and just went "Eh it works. Let's ship it.". @%$# that mentality. For this big of a drop (To consoles and to PC's) the controls need to be GOOD. You don't want to @%$# off the console players anymore. Trust me on that. 


EDIT: Side note. Most of the people posting here are people who created a forum account just to say how bad the controls are. If your players are willing to do that, you know you @%$#ed up.





Honestly you could say that about most of 7dtd after alpha 16.4, with 1.0 being the biggest offender of "what the hell devs? do you even play your own game and see how unfun/tedious this is?" The skill system alone was a good example of devs not playing their own game, as the skill system while fine in multiplayer as you have other people you can give roles to, in single player it severly hampers the player since you have to do everything yourself, would be less of a issue if they made weapons and tools be a learn by doing action skill, where the action skill determines what level of the assoiated perk you can get. Eg if you wanna use clubs, you attack with clubs at skill 1 u can get pummel pete 1, at skill 10, pummel pete 2, 20 pummel pete 3, 40 for lv4 and 60 or 80 for lv 5.

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