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On 6/26/2024 at 2:16 AM, Riamus said:

If you don't mind, please let me/us know.  I want to use a custom map that doesn't follow these same restrictions but not sure if that will work.  :)


There is a mod that gets rid of this forced trader stupidity on the nexus, it restores the randomized traders in rwg biomes like its always had, highly reccomend it, as the current way its setup is beyond stupid. A good compromise would be to have rwg set to make sure at least ONE proper trader spawns in the biome, while any other one is randomized. This way they can keep their "progression" they are so picky about, and still not have every map be basically the same map, since all you get in forest atm is rekts, all burnt traders are jen etc, its stupid.


Wanna know a better way to make progression? Do what every other survival game does other than 7dtd, make multiple tiers of items, 1 per biome, and to get that biome's item tier, you have to go to that biome as the materials (the main one like metal for example) is not available in other zones, there, now you'll get natural progression, especially if you add some hazards to these biomes, so you can't just walk in there on a fresh level 1 and survive. Many survival games use this method and it works great and gets the player to naturally explore farther out, it feels far to forced in 1.0. Darkness Falls also does this well, the endgame metal is titanium, and u need plutonium and uranium, all are only mineable in the wasteland, and the wasteland? nastiest spawns in the game, and a radiation death field that will kill you extremly quick (does like 10-15 health a second dmg) if you lack full radiation protection. It also moves lead to the snow biome, oil shale is still in desert. Nitrate is a desert/snow ore, you won't really find it in the forest in DF. See? progression without having to go to such lengths to force it. I assume in 1.0 he may move coal to being in the burnt forest since it'd be a fitting place for it. Which means forest will only have iron ore in it.



On 6/26/2024 at 2:16 AM, Riamus said:

If you don't mind, please let me/us know.  I want to use a custom map that doesn't follow these same restrictions but not sure if that will work.  :)


There is a mod that gets rid of thise forced trader stupidity on the nexus, it restores the randomized traders in biomes like its always had, highly reccomend it, as the current way its setup is beyond stupid. A good compromise would be to have rwg set to make sure at least ONE proper trader spawns in the biome, while any other one is randomized. This way they can keep their "progression" they are so picky about, and still not have every map be basically the same map, since all you get in forest atk is rekts, all burnt traders are jen etc, its stupid.


Wanna know a better way to make progression? Do what every other survival game does other than 7dtd, make multiple tiers of items, 1 per biome, and to get that biome's item tier, you have to go to that biome as the materials (the main one like metal for example) is not available in other zones, there, now you'll get natural progression, especially if you add some hazards to these biomes, so you can't just walk in there on a fresh level 1 and survive. Darkness Falls does this well, the endgame metal is titanium, and u need plutonium and uranium, all are only mineable in the wasteland, and the wasteland? nastiest spawns in the game, and a radiation death field that will kill you extremly quick (does like 10-15 health a second dmg) if you lack full radiation protection. It also moves lead to the snow biome, oil shale is still in desert. Nitrate is a desert/snow ore, you won't really find it in the forest in DF. See? progression without having to go to such lengths to force it.

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