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On 6/24/2024 at 8:01 PM, Roland said:


There are some towns and residential areas good for t1 and t2 quests but no big cities spawn in the green forest. You usually get one in the burnt forest though so that is probably where you want to head to after getting the initial stuff out of the way.



Since you believe it is still early access, I will respond that this is what you signed up for....


I think the game needs to make it easier for you to move your base, since it clearly seems like TFP intends to force the player to move their home base as they progress. But with the inventory being so tiny, and vehicles being so slow it takes a stupid amount of time to do this. My current run is on day 5 on warrior difficulty and it'd take 2-3 2.3km+ trips to move my base to the burnt forest, plus i'll have to rebuild.  This is just not really viable early game with the scarcity of some resources. COuld really use a fast travel system between player bases, or just some way to transfer the stuff to a new base easier.

On 6/25/2024 at 3:16 PM, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah, the lack of crack a book stores (and other high level POIs) in the forest is part of my issue.  I don't want to have to travel multiple kilometers every day just to do my standard days worth of questing/looting.


I think the intent is for you to have multiple bases and move each time you swap biomes. The problem there is, its just very slow to do this due to poor inventory size and slow vehicles. Like I said in a post above, I'd have to make 2-3 round trips of 2.3km each way (4.6km round trip) to move my base to the burnt forest, unless I wanna leave almost everything behind, which makes even gathering the stuff pointless in that case at least in the forest. Plus I don't really like the look of the other biomes, I like my base in the forest but it just doesn't seem feasable in vanilla with the way they seem to wanna force you to play.


As for the cities thing, I feel its stupid that the forest has no big cities, the forest is the safest place in the game to be, you'd think that would be the prime location for cities to be realisticly compared to say the burnt forest etc.



On 6/24/2024 at 8:01 PM, Roland said:


There are some towns and residential areas good for t1 and t2 quests but no big cities spawn in the green forest. You usually get one in the burnt forest though so that is probably where you want to head to after getting the initial stuff out of the way.



Since you believe it is still early access, I will respond that this is what you signed up for....


I think the game needs to make it easier for you to move your base, since it clearly seems like TFP intends to force the player to move their home base as they progress. But with the inventory being so tiny, and vehicles being so slow it takes a stupid amount of time to do this. My current run is on day 5 on warrior difficulty and it'd take 2-3 2.3km+ trips to move my base to the burnt forest, plus i'll have to rebuild.  This is just not really viable early game with the scarcity of some resources. COuld really use a fast travel system between player bases, or just some way to transfer the stuff to a new base easier.

On 6/25/2024 at 3:16 PM, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah, the lack of crack a book stores (and other high level POIs) in the forest is part of my issue.  I don't want to have to travel multiple kilometers every day just to do my standard days worth of questing/looting.


I think the intent is for you to have multiple bases and move each time you swap biomes. The problem there is, its just very slow to do this due to poor inventory size and slow vehicles. Like I said in a post above, I'd have to make 2-3 round trips of 2.3km each way (4.6km round trip) to move my base to the burnt forest, unless I wanna leave almost everything behind, which makes even gathering the stuff pointless in that case at least in the forest.



On 6/24/2024 at 8:01 PM, Roland said:


There are some towns and residential areas good for t1 and t2 quests but no big cities spawn in the green forest. You usually get one in the burnt forest though so that is probably where you want to head to after getting the initial stuff out of the way.



Since you believe it is still early access, I will respond that this is what you signed up for....


I think the game needs to make it easier for you to move your base, since it clearly seems like TFP intends to force the player to move their home base as they progress. But with the inventory being so tiny, and vehicles being so slow it takes a stupid amount of time to do this. My current run is on day 5 on warrior difficulty and it'd take 2-3 2.3km+ trips to move my base to the burnt forest, plus i'll have to rebuild.  This is just not really viable early game with the scarcity of some resources. COuld really use a fast travel system between player bases, or just some way to transfer the stuff to a new base easier.

On 6/25/2024 at 3:16 PM, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah, the lack of crack a book stores (and other high level POIs) in the forest is part of my issue.  I don't want to have to travel multiple kilometers every day just to do my standard days worth of questing/looting.


I think the intent is for you to have multiple bases and move each time you swap biomes. The problem there is, its just very slow to do this due to poor inventory size and slow vehicles. Like I said in a post above, I'd have to make 2-3 round trips of 2.3km each way to move my base to the burnt forest, unless I wanna leave almost everything behind, which makes even gathering the stuff pointless in that case at least in the forest.

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