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On 6/25/2024 at 5:04 PM, wolfbain5 said:

story progression... Roland, we have been waiting on tidbits of what the story might be for years and you are calling for progression! Gawds what a tease.


I simply meant that there will be a story that will unfold and you will progress through it like any story mode in a video game. I have no insider knowledge about the story. The brothers keep that very very close to the vest. I've been waiting too!


On 6/25/2024 at 11:16 AM, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah, the lack of crack a book stores (and other high level POIs) in the forest is part of my issue.  I don't want to have to travel multiple kilometers every day just to do my standard days worth of questing/looting.


You could try generating a small 3km map with the forest in the middle which means nothing would be much more than 1.5 km away in any direction which once you have a vehicle would be like 3 minutes or so to travel anywhere. I think I'm going to try that, now that I mention it.



On 6/25/2024 at 5:04 PM, wolfbain5 said:

story progression... Roland, we have been waiting on tidbits of what the story might be for years and you are calling for progression! Gawds what a tease.


I simply meant that there will be a story that will unfold and you will progress through it like any story mode in a video game. I have no insider knowledge about the story. The brothers keep that very very close to the vest. I've been waiting too!


On 6/25/2024 at 11:16 AM, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah, the lack of crack a book stores (and other high level POIs) in the forest is part of my issue.  I don't want to have to travel multiple kilometers every day just to do my standard days worth of questing/looting.


You could try generating a small 3km map with the forest in the middle which means nothing would be much more than 1.5 km away in any direction which once you have a vehicle would be like 3 minutes or so to travel anywhere.

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