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5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Lmao you must have missed this, easy mistake to not see it





I posted it for a reason, since your mindset is **exactly** what that's talking about. I assure you, just about everything you think is "really easy" in 7 days is not that easy to a new player, or even an average gamer since average would include everyone ages 4 to 80



Bruh I started Soul Mask last night and even with an in game tutorial that's very in depth and even with literally like 4,000+ hours in survival games, I'm still having to google mechanics constantly that are "sort of explained but still not clear"


Average gamers are not going to even go that far. My friend (the same one I mentioned dying in 7 days) literally just said "the game has walls of text explaining everything and I ain't reading alla that" and that was it. He's just been brute forcing the game trying to figure it out as he goes, and that's exactly how the 80% of gamers play games. They aren't going to look anything extra up, they aren't going to watch guides, they probably won't even read the in game stuff, they are just going to attempt to play the game and it needs to make sense



This is basic software design as a whole. It's literally what I do for a living, and making sure your software is ten times more idiot proof than even the greatest idiot you know of is the *bare minimum* and still not enough


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if these numbers were somewhat accurate across most titles:


1) 60% of people never launch the game in the first place.


2) 35% of people put in 10 minutes to a few hours, get bored or lost, and quit.


3) 5% of people dedicate their time to one full playthrough (per version or once period). TFP would logically try to bring as many people over from the 35% to this group. These 5% are also some of the individuals who look up guides, tutorials, and communities.


4) 5% of that 5% play the game regularly, mod their experience, and are regular faces in the community.

5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Lmao you must have missed this, easy mistake to not see it





I posted it for a reason, since your mindset is **exactly** what that's talking about. I assure you, just about everything you think is "really easy" in 7 days is not that easy to a new player, or even an average gamer since average would include everyone ages 4 to 80



Bruh I started Soul Mask last night and even with an in game tutorial that's very in depth and even with literally like 4,000+ hours in survival games, I'm still having to google mechanics constantly that are "sort of explained but still not clear"


Average gamers are not going to even go that far. My friend (the same one I mentioned dying in 7 days) literally just said "the game has walls of text explaining everything and I ain't reading alla that" and that was it. He's just been brute forcing the game trying to figure it out as he goes, and that's exactly how the 80% of gamers play games. They aren't going to look anything extra up, they aren't going to watch guides, they probably won't even read the in game stuff, they are just going to attempt to play the game and it needs to make sense



This is basic software design as a whole. It's literally what I do for a living, and making sure your software is ten times more idiot proof than even the greatest idiot you know of is the *bare minimum* and still not enough


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if these numbers were somewhat accurate across most titles:


1) 95% of people never launch the game in the first place, or they play for 10 minutes to a few hours, get bored or lost, and quit.


2) 5% of people dedicate their time to one full playthrough (per version or once period). TFP would logically try to bring as many people over from the 35% to this group. These 5% are also some of the individuals who look up guides, tutorials, and communities.


3) 5% of that 5% play the game regularly, mod their experience, and are regular faces in the community.

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