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My feedback


  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • The game should have full-fledged settings via GUI which could always be changed in XML files. But now players have to do it manually through a text editor or save the settings in the "mods" folder.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground
  • Plants should not collapse when harvested. Plus a 50% chance of getting seeds reduces progress if you make a large field.


  • You can't collect muddy water from the shells
  • Sinks placed by the player cannot be connected to the dew collector, although we have a wrench available.
  • You can't put blocks on the bush that gives the wood. Although grass can be easily jammed. Unlike the other various resources, bushes spawn more often and interfere with construction.
  • The icons in the corner should have different colors for easy resource management



  • The search filter should have suggested names + ignore misspellings


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases


Feedback from Reddit

  • When you hit a zombie and it stumbles toward you. - TheGreatMrHaad
  • The “crouch-run” right when you try to melee them. - Vurt__Konnegut
  • As much as I enjoy the dungeon POIs, it can get annoying when somehow in small family-sized houses that would fit 4 people, every zombie that hides inside closets, above ceiling panels, behind walls they somehow plastered themselves in. And somehow, they will magically know when a human just breathed across the building and know the exact path to get you. - NoIdea4GoodName
  • The 2 steps forward, 2 steps sideways, 2 steps backwards development.

    Constantly reworking and removing things that worked, adding features no one asked for, not giving endgame any love, forced looting, the move away from crafting to questing, Fun Pimps trying to turn this into an RPG instead of a survival game. For every quality of life addition there is a sacrifice on gameplay, feature or items. - Karmakiller3003

  • Kinda miss the old loot table that wasn’t gamestage based. Really just miss finding good guns in guns safes. Maybe my luck is just rotten. Better off looking for toilet pistols. - Ani-Thighs

  • Trigger points. it is @%$# design. it @%$#s on many core gameplay loops & isn't fixable even with dev commands. its 100% what lead to me quitting playing even tho i liked 90% of the updates to that alpha. - TheMinisterOfGaming

  • I really hate how prevalent they are and how they make stealth into the ONLY playstyle that you cannot use throughout the whole game. I can be more understanding of why blood moons aren't stealthable, but at least then you can also try going into traps and/or using all the extra ammo and loud guns you pick up just for those nights.

    Every other build type can be used to clear every POI. Stealth is basically the only one where the game says "sorry, you have to completely change how you play once you enter that room". Trigger zombies should either be way less common, or actually be effected by stealth to some extent. - Bathroom_Humor

  • Zombies need to move around more in Poi's. Them being static until stumbled upon is lame and boring - FAZE_PIRACY

  • Locks on doors/switches only being activatible once. Like why can't I used the button again to close a garage door in a POI? Once I have the key to the door why can't I close it again? - ControlRod

  • Trying to kill the screaming jumper things with a shotgun, how do they crawl past the shots? and vulture hit box is bit off too. - BeerStop

  • The drop rate of seeds when harvesting them. - Axel_Aquarius

  • That zombies always know the most efficient way to get you rather than just blindly trying to get to you. i.e. they immediately identify and try to exploit your defenses weak spot - NebulaSpecial3009

  • PVP remains broken because cheaters use clipping to locate bases - othergallow


I would like to point out that this section will not be updated. The comments are taken 9 hours after the post was published on reddit. The title of this section is clickable for real-time information.





My feedback


  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • The game should have full-fledged settings via GUI which could always be changed in XML files. But now players have to do it manually through a text editor or save the settings in the "mods" folder.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground
  • Plants should not collapse when harvested. Plus a 50% chance of getting seeds reduces progress if you make a large field.


  • You can't collect muddy water from the shells
  • Sinks placed by the player cannot be connected to the dew collector, although we have a wrench available.
  • You can't put blocks on the bush that gives the wood. Although grass can be easily jammed. Unlike the other various resources, bushes spawn more often and interfere with construction.
  • The icons in the corner should have different colors for easy resource management


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases


Feedback from Reddit

  • When you hit a zombie and it stumbles toward you. - TheGreatMrHaad
  • The “crouch-run” right when you try to melee them. - Vurt__Konnegut
  • As much as I enjoy the dungeon POIs, it can get annoying when somehow in small family-sized houses that would fit 4 people, every zombie that hides inside closets, above ceiling panels, behind walls they somehow plastered themselves in. And somehow, they will magically know when a human just breathed across the building and know the exact path to get you. - NoIdea4GoodName
  • The 2 steps forward, 2 steps sideways, 2 steps backwards development.

    Constantly reworking and removing things that worked, adding features no one asked for, not giving endgame any love, forced looting, the move away from crafting to questing, Fun Pimps trying to turn this into an RPG instead of a survival game. For every quality of life addition there is a sacrifice on gameplay, feature or items. - Karmakiller3003

  • Kinda miss the old loot table that wasn’t gamestage based. Really just miss finding good guns in guns safes. Maybe my luck is just rotten. Better off looking for toilet pistols. - Ani-Thighs

  • Trigger points. it is @%$# design. it @%$#s on many core gameplay loops & isn't fixable even with dev commands. its 100% what lead to me quitting playing even tho i liked 90% of the updates to that alpha. - TheMinisterOfGaming

  • I really hate how prevalent they are and how they make stealth into the ONLY playstyle that you cannot use throughout the whole game. I can be more understanding of why blood moons aren't stealthable, but at least then you can also try going into traps and/or using all the extra ammo and loud guns you pick up just for those nights.

    Every other build type can be used to clear every POI. Stealth is basically the only one where the game says "sorry, you have to completely change how you play once you enter that room". Trigger zombies should either be way less common, or actually be effected by stealth to some extent. - Bathroom_Humor

  • Zombies need to move around more in Poi's. Them being static until stumbled upon is lame and boring - FAZE_PIRACY

  • Locks on doors/switches only being activatible once. Like why can't I used the button again to close a garage door in a POI? Once I have the key to the door why can't I close it again? - ControlRod

  • Trying to kill the screaming jumper things with a shotgun, how do they crawl past the shots? and vulture hit box is bit off too. - BeerStop

  • The drop rate of seeds when harvesting them. - Axel_Aquarius

  • That zombies always know the most efficient way to get you rather than just blindly trying to get to you. i.e. they immediately identify and try to exploit your defenses weak spot - NebulaSpecial3009

  • PVP remains broken because cheaters use clipping to locate bases - othergallow


I would like to point out that this section will not be updated. The comments are taken 9 hours after the post was published on reddit. The title of this section is clickable for real-time information.





My feedback


  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • The game should have full-fledged settings via GUI which could always be changed in XML files. But now players have to do it manually through a text editor or save the settings in the "mods" folder.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground
  • Plants should not collapse when harvested. Plus a 50% chance of getting seeds reduces progress if you make a large field.


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases


Feedback from Reddit

  • When you hit a zombie and it stumbles toward you. - TheGreatMrHaad
  • The “crouch-run” right when you try to melee them. - Vurt__Konnegut
  • As much as I enjoy the dungeon POIs, it can get annoying when somehow in small family-sized houses that would fit 4 people, every zombie that hides inside closets, above ceiling panels, behind walls they somehow plastered themselves in. And somehow, they will magically know when a human just breathed across the building and know the exact path to get you. - NoIdea4GoodName
  • The 2 steps forward, 2 steps sideways, 2 steps backwards development.

    Constantly reworking and removing things that worked, adding features no one asked for, not giving endgame any love, forced looting, the move away from crafting to questing, Fun Pimps trying to turn this into an RPG instead of a survival game. For every quality of life addition there is a sacrifice on gameplay, feature or items. - Karmakiller3003

  • Kinda miss the old loot table that wasn’t gamestage based. Really just miss finding good guns in guns safes. Maybe my luck is just rotten. Better off looking for toilet pistols. - Ani-Thighs

  • Trigger points. it is @%$# design. it @%$#s on many core gameplay loops & isn't fixable even with dev commands. its 100% what lead to me quitting playing even tho i liked 90% of the updates to that alpha. - TheMinisterOfGaming

  • I really hate how prevalent they are and how they make stealth into the ONLY playstyle that you cannot use throughout the whole game. I can be more understanding of why blood moons aren't stealthable, but at least then you can also try going into traps and/or using all the extra ammo and loud guns you pick up just for those nights.

    Every other build type can be used to clear every POI. Stealth is basically the only one where the game says "sorry, you have to completely change how you play once you enter that room". Trigger zombies should either be way less common, or actually be effected by stealth to some extent. - Bathroom_Humor

  • Zombies need to move around more in Poi's. Them being static until stumbled upon is lame and boring - FAZE_PIRACY

  • Locks on doors/switches only being activatible once. Like why can't I used the button again to close a garage door in a POI? Once I have the key to the door why can't I close it again? - ControlRod

  • Trying to kill the screaming jumper things with a shotgun, how do they crawl past the shots? and vulture hit box is bit off too. - BeerStop

  • The drop rate of seeds when harvesting them. - Axel_Aquarius

  • That zombies always know the most efficient way to get you rather than just blindly trying to get to you. i.e. they immediately identify and try to exploit your defenses weak spot - NebulaSpecial3009

  • PVP remains broken because cheaters use clipping to locate bases - othergallow


I would like to point out that this section will not be updated. The comments are taken 9 hours after the post was published on reddit. The title of this section is clickable for real-time information.





My feedback


  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground
  • Plants should not collapse when harvested. Plus a 50% chance of getting seeds reduces progress if you make a large field.


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases


Feedback from Reddit

  • When you hit a zombie and it stumbles toward you. - TheGreatMrHaad
  • The “crouch-run” right when you try to melee them. - Vurt__Konnegut
  • As much as I enjoy the dungeon POIs, it can get annoying when somehow in small family-sized houses that would fit 4 people, every zombie that hides inside closets, above ceiling panels, behind walls they somehow plastered themselves in. And somehow, they will magically know when a human just breathed across the building and know the exact path to get you. - NoIdea4GoodName
  • The 2 steps forward, 2 steps sideways, 2 steps backwards development.

    Constantly reworking and removing things that worked, adding features no one asked for, not giving endgame any love, forced looting, the move away from crafting to questing, Fun Pimps trying to turn this into an RPG instead of a survival game. For every quality of life addition there is a sacrifice on gameplay, feature or items. - Karmakiller3003

  • Kinda miss the old loot table that wasn’t gamestage based. Really just miss finding good guns in guns safes. Maybe my luck is just rotten. Better off looking for toilet pistols. - Ani-Thighs

  • Trigger points. it is @%$# design. it @%$#s on many core gameplay loops & isn't fixable even with dev commands. its 100% what lead to me quitting playing even tho i liked 90% of the updates to that alpha. - TheMinisterOfGaming

  • I really hate how prevalent they are and how they make stealth into the ONLY playstyle that you cannot use throughout the whole game. I can be more understanding of why blood moons aren't stealthable, but at least then you can also try going into traps and/or using all the extra ammo and loud guns you pick up just for those nights.

    Every other build type can be used to clear every POI. Stealth is basically the only one where the game says "sorry, you have to completely change how you play once you enter that room". Trigger zombies should either be way less common, or actually be effected by stealth to some extent. - Bathroom_Humor

  • Zombies need to move around more in Poi's. Them being static until stumbled upon is lame and boring - FAZE_PIRACY

  • Locks on doors/switches only being activatible once. Like why can't I used the button again to close a garage door in a POI? Once I have the key to the door why can't I close it again? - ControlRod

  • Trying to kill the screaming jumper things with a shotgun, how do they crawl past the shots? and vulture hit box is bit off too. - BeerStop

  • The drop rate of seeds when harvesting them. - Axel_Aquarius

  • That zombies always know the most efficient way to get you rather than just blindly trying to get to you. i.e. they immediately identify and try to exploit your defenses weak spot - NebulaSpecial3009

  • PVP remains broken because cheaters use clipping to locate bases - othergallow


I would like to point out that this section will not be updated. The comments are taken 9 hours after the post was published on reddit. The title of this section is clickable for real-time information.





My feedback


  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases


Feedback from Reddit

  • When you hit a zombie and it stumbles toward you. - TheGreatMrHaad
  • The “crouch-run” right when you try to melee them. - Vurt__Konnegut
  • As much as I enjoy the dungeon POIs, it can get annoying when somehow in small family-sized houses that would fit 4 people, every zombie that hides inside closets, above ceiling panels, behind walls they somehow plastered themselves in. And somehow, they will magically know when a human just breathed across the building and know the exact path to get you. - NoIdea4GoodName
  • The 2 steps forward, 2 steps sideways, 2 steps backwards development.

    Constantly reworking and removing things that worked, adding features no one asked for, not giving endgame any love, forced looting, the move away from crafting to questing, Fun Pimps trying to turn this into an RPG instead of a survival game. For every quality of life addition there is a sacrifice on gameplay, feature or items. - Karmakiller3003

  • Kinda miss the old loot table that wasn’t gamestage based. Really just miss finding good guns in guns safes. Maybe my luck is just rotten. Better off looking for toilet pistols. - Ani-Thighs

  • Trigger points. it is @%$# design. it @%$#s on many core gameplay loops & isn't fixable even with dev commands. its 100% what lead to me quitting playing even tho i liked 90% of the updates to that alpha. - TheMinisterOfGaming

  • I really hate how prevalent they are and how they make stealth into the ONLY playstyle that you cannot use throughout the whole game. I can be more understanding of why blood moons aren't stealthable, but at least then you can also try going into traps and/or using all the extra ammo and loud guns you pick up just for those nights.

    Every other build type can be used to clear every POI. Stealth is basically the only one where the game says "sorry, you have to completely change how you play once you enter that room". Trigger zombies should either be way less common, or actually be effected by stealth to some extent. - Bathroom_Humor

  • Zombies need to move around more in Poi's. Them being static until stumbled upon is lame and boring - FAZE_PIRACY

  • Locks on doors/switches only being activatible once. Like why can't I used the button again to close a garage door in a POI? Once I have the key to the door why can't I close it again? - ControlRod

  • Trying to kill the screaming jumper things with a shotgun, how do they crawl past the shots? and vulture hit box is bit off too. - BeerStop

  • The drop rate of seeds when harvesting them. - Axel_Aquarius

  • That zombies always know the most efficient way to get you rather than just blindly trying to get to you. i.e. they immediately identify and try to exploit your defenses weak spot - NebulaSpecial3009

  • PVP remains broken because cheaters use clipping to locate bases - othergallow


I would like to point out that this section will not be updated. The comments are taken 9 hours after the post was published on reddit. The title of this section is clickable for real-time information.





  • Can't open the whole map in world settings (visitmap doesn't work)
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working in world settings
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.
  • Vehicles should not be operated while in the water.
  • Mini Bike, Motorcycle, Truck, Gyroplane should not be able to take into inventory after first landing on the ground


Innovations to mechanics

  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest.
  • Add normal 3D sound positioning
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes
  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases.



  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest. Or add normal 3D sound positioning
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item
  • Characters cannot craft an industrial generator


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting magazines pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.



  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest. Or add normal 3D sound positioning
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item
  • Characters cannot craft an industrial generator


  • Read and unread magazines should be marked with more than just an icon. But also a color
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner.
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking
  • The game gives players level 6 items by loot/from a merchant. While items that can be crafted by a player up to Max 5 LVL makes collecting logs pointless. Since the player may accidentally find a weapon that will be more effective than basic crafting. And will be infinitely repaired regardless of its number of repairs.



  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest. Or add normal 3D sound positioning
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item
  • Characters cannot craft an industrial generator


  • The game does not mark magazines that have already been read
  • The game does not mark magazines gray that have already opened the entire progress thread
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Craft menu does not show all the crafts, you have to use the search
  • The electrical system needs a little tweaking



  • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
  • Can't find maps that opened the main map
  • Most of iron sights is weird and unlogical
  • Can't fast-travel from trader to trader
  • Sight does not hide when aiming
  • The scope covers the entire screen with black area like a game from 2003
  • Getting water was made complicated for some reason, just because.
  • Artificially limited skill tree
  • Awful Learning by Reading
  • You can't see a damn thing indoors even in the daytime
  • Night/early morning sounds and enemy spawning sound cannot be switched off
  • You cannot select the update level of the unit (instead of a building block to a cobblestone or concrete or metal)
  • You can't take away blocks, or change their shape
  • Many items cannot be removed after placing
  • The lamps are unbalanced and shine like the sun.
  • You can't put a merchant's hours of working
  • The map does not automatically cognize locations and their names except for merchants
  • When creating labels, you can't hide them from the map so that they are visible only in the list
  • Once a label has been created, you cannot change its name
  • The game should kill the last zombie that delays the quest. Or add normal 3D sound positioning
  • A chainsaw is useless in battle, it doesn't stun any damn enemies.
  • Characters always have the same animation and food item
  • Characters cannot craft an industrial generator


  • The game does not mark magazines that have already been read
  • The game does not mark magazines gray that have already opened the entire progress thread
  • Modification journal are not obviously indicated by another icon other than a small book in the corner
  • The game does not allow you to throw things away except by dragging things outside the inventory border, instead of pressing RMB and the conditional Shift/Ctrl
  • Can't craft dye, you have to scavenge it from random clothes


  • If you "trace" the item's crafting, it closes the merchant's active target. And doesn't track more items. For example, I want to craft two pieces of transportation. And to craft it, I have to focus on one part, then track and craft the other. What prevents to make a slideshow where the player can track up to 5 crafts at the same time. At the same time not to close the main goal, again a task from the trader?

  • Can't hide difficulty of POI/Biome in settings

  • Can't pick up quality of items in creative menu

  • Some door frames have strange values to repair

  • Spikes hitboxes is janky, same goes with window glass

  • Zombies could attack you through door, melee are not able to hit though hole in door

  • Fast-healing have unmentioned downsides

  • Inventory locking is unintuitive

  • Stealth is janky and useless in most cases.


  • Many blocks have strange hitboxes when you can't shoot/use melee in the hole so you hit block itself. But in movement they are right
  • Create New...