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22 hours ago, Unamelable said:

From my perspective - almost 75-80% of game design for me needed to be changed through xml files.


This is a clear indication that the game is just not what you like. I don't enjoy RTS games. Their design is about 75-80% distasteful to me and I never spend money on them. When a game is 75-80% unpleasant, that isn't a simple situation of fix a few things and you're good. 1.0 is dropping very soon and the devs aren't going to be changing 75-80% of the game into something different than it already is. Maybe an overhaul mod can save the game for you but most of them haven't been created to to speed up progression any faster than the vanilla game. They make the progression deeper and more complex but not really faster. I'd say most fans of this game enjoy a longer lasting progression than you do and that includes most of the fans who know how to mod and are creating mods.


I get it. You like open world survival games with a heavy dose of sandbox gameplay and this game looked like it fit the bill but when you got into playing it you realized it had too much RPG-ness and random factors that remove control of the progression pacing from the player and you hate that. It wasn't something you were expecting. And to make matters worse, there weren't enough options in the top menu to configure the game more to the way you would enjoy it.  If I bought this game and it had a ton of RTS gameplay packed in I wouldn't really enjoy it either and if I wasn't expecting it I would be disappointed that I paid money for it.


A lot of your QOL suggestions are good and have a good chance of being implemented. But most of your suggestions that run contrary to the design goals of the developers are just not going to happen. Maybe if you outline exactly what you want out of the game and post it in the modding discussion and requests subforum your vision will spark the interest of a modder looking for an idea for a new overhaul mod. That is more likely to happen than that 1.0 or 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 will change the game around by 75-80% to your liking from what it is now.



22 hours ago, Unamelable said:

From my perspective - almost 75-80% of game design for me needed to be changed through xml files.


This is a clear indication that the game is just not what you like. I don't enjoy RTS games. Their design is about 75-80% distasteful to me and I never spend money on them. When a game is 75-80% unpleasant, that isn't a simple situation of fix a few things and you're good. 1.0 is dropping very soon and the devs aren't going to be changing 75-80% of the game into something different than it already is. Maybe an overhaul mod can save the game for you but most of them haven't been created to to speed up progression any faster than the vanilla game. They make the progression deeper and more complex but not really faster. I'd say most fans of this game enjoy a longer lasting progression than you do and that includes most of the fans who know how to mod and are creating mods.


I get it. You like open world survival games with a heavy dose of sandbox gameplay and this game looked like it fit the bill but when you got into playing it you realized it had too much RPG-ness and random factors that remove control of the progression pacing from the player and you hate that. It wasn't something you were expecting. And to make matters worse, there weren't enough options in the top menu to configure the game more to the way you would enjoy it.  If I bought this game and it had a ton of RTS gameplay packed in I wouldn't really enjoy it either and if I wasn't expecting it I would be disappointed that I paid money for it.


A lot of your QOL suggestions are good and have a good chance of being implemented. But most of your suggestions that run contrary to the design goals of the developers are just not going to happen. Maybe if you outline exactly what you want out of the game and post it in the modding discussion and requests subforum your vision will spark the interest of a modder looking for an idea for a new overhaul mod. That is more likely to happen than that 1.0 or 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 changing the game around 75-80% to your liking from what it is now.



22 hours ago, Unamelable said:

From my perspective - almost 75-80% of game design for me needed to be changed through xml files.


This is a clear indication that the game is just not what you like. I don't enjoy RTS games. Their design is about 75-80% distasteful to me and I never spend money on them. When a game is 75-80% unpleasant, that isn't a simple situation of fix a few things and you're good. 1.0 is dropping very soon and the devs aren't going to be changing 75-80% of the game into something different than it already is. Maybe an overhaul mod can save the game for you but most of them haven't been created to to speed up progression any faster than the vanilla game. They make the progression deeper and more complex but not really faster. I'd say most fans of this game enjoy a longer lasting progression than you do and that includes most of the fans who know how to mod and are creating mods.


I get it. You like open world survival games with a heavy dose of sandbox gameplay and this game looked like it fit the bill but when you got into playing it you realized it had too much RPG-ness and random factors that remove control of the progression pacing from the player and you hate that. It wasn't something you were expecting. If I bought this game and it had a ton of RTS gameplay packed in I wouldn't really enjoy it either and if I wasn't expecting it I would be disappointed that I paid money for it.


A lot of your QOL suggestions are good and have a good chance of being implemented. But most of your suggestions that run contrary to the design goals of the developers are just not going to happen. Maybe if you outline exactly what you want out of the game and post it in the modding discussion and requests subforum your vision will spark the interest of a modder looking for an idea for a new overhaul mod. That is more likely to happen than that 1.0 or 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 changing the game around 75-80% to your liking from what it is now.

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