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First one needs to be:




  • The entire path has to be between two ".  You had an extra one after perkLockPicking]
  • The code is structured in layers, you missed a sublayer between progression and perk (perks)
    • Recommend getting a good xml editing program that shows the layers of code, I use Notepad++ myself
    • One way to avoid these types of error is just to do this


  • You need the @ symbol with name.  That tells the game to find passive_effect with Name = LockPickTime and the specific perk

Second one has several issues, but it would add it to the items.xml file at the bottom:

  • In the item name, do not use spaces.  It needs to be continuous to avoid any issues.
    • If you want to have spaces in the name when you view it in game, you need to add it to the localization file which allows spaces
  • You have </effect_group> closed out but have no starting effect group in the code.


First one needs to be:




  • The entire path has to be between two ".  You had an extra one after perkLockPicking]
  • The code is structured in layers, you missed a sublayer between progression and perk (perks)
    • Recommend getting a good xml editing program that shows the layers of code, I use Notepad++ myself
    • One way to avoid these types of error is just to do this


  • You need the @ symbol with name.  That tells the game to find passive_effect with Name = lockPickTime

Second one has several issues, but it would add it to the items.xml file at the bottom:

  • In the item name, do not use spaces.  It needs to be continuous to avoid any issues.
    • If you want to have spaces in the name when you view it in game, you need to add it to the localization file which allows spaces
  • You have </effect_group> closed out but have no starting effect group in the code.
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