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This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
set: Light
A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! Be the Van Helsing of the Apocalypse

Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies


Gloves: Increase Healing output  


Boots: adds extra health to player (based on level base is 10 increase by 5 by each level)

Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even to teammates!

Hazmat (1).jpg


Trapper armor: weather: COLD!
set: Mid

Live off Natures animals, Sell your hunted wears, even Hunt the Infected wildlife looks like trade hughs armor but with a few additions 

Hoodie: adds Bonus damage per attack (Cap is 25%)

Outfit: Increase carry amount on meat, bones, fat, etc, Heavy weather protection and takes less damage from wildlife (zombie animals too)

Gloves: Increase Harvest of animals and increase Spear damage

Boots: increase power attack damage by %

Full: Animals detect you less, bonus spear damage and increase  harvest and bone harvest by 25%


Trapper (1).jpg

Desert gear: aka Explorer


Being a true raider of pois! A tome raider!!! 

Class: light, cooler


Cap: increase cripple damage by 10%


Outfit: 10 carry slots, decrease thirst and hunger, food effects last longer


Gloves: increase pistol and smgs damage 


boots: decrease melee stamina use


Bonus: 20% more damage for all 9mm weapons and 20% reload speed


This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
set: Light
A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! Be the Van Helsing of the Apocalypse

Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies


Gloves: Increase Healing output  


Boots: adds extra health to player (based on level base is 10 increase by 5 by each level)

Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even to teammates!

Hazmat (1).jpg


Trapper armor: weather: COLD!
set: Mid

Live off Natures animals, Sell your hunted wears, even Hunt the Infected wildlife looks like trade hughs armor but with a few additions 

Hoodie: adds Bonus damage per attack (Cap is 25%)

Outfit: Increase carry amount on meat, bones, fat, etc, Heavy weather protection and takes less damage from wildlife (zombie animals too)

Gloves: Increase Harvest of animals and increase Spear damage

Boots: increase power attack damage by %

Full: Animals detect you less, bonus spear damage and increase  harvest and bone harvest by 25%


Trapper (1).jpg

Desert gear: aka Explorer


Being a true raider of pois! A tome raider!!! 

Class: light, cooler


Cap: increase cripple damage by 10%




This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
set: Light
A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! and you live to Fight the wastelands worst!

Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies


Gloves: Increase Healing output  


Boots: adds extra health to player (based on level)

Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even to teammates!

Hazmat (1).jpg


Trapper armor: weather: COLD!
set: Mid

Live off Natures animals, Sell your hunted wears, even Hunt the Infected wildlife

Hoodie: adds Bonus damage per attack (Cap is 25%)

Outfit: Increase carry amount on meat, bones, fat, etc, Heavy weather protection and takes less damage from wildlife (zombie animals too)

Gloves: Increase Harvest of animals and increase Spear damage

Boots: increase power attack damage by %

Full: Animals detect you less, bonus spear damage and increase  harvest and bone harvest by 25%


Trapper (1).jpg
Will update later time for Work

This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
set: Light
A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! and you live to Fight the wastelands worst!

Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies


Gloves: Increase Healing output  


Boots: adds extra health to player (based on level)

Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even to teammates!

Hazmat (1).jpg


Trapper armor: weather: COLD!
set: Mid

Live off Natures animals, Sell your hunted wears, even Hunt the Infected wildlife

Hoodie: adds Bonus damage per attack (Cap is 25%)

Outfit: Increase carry amount on meat, bones, fat, etc, Heavy weather protection and takes less damage from wildlife (zombie animals too)

Gloves: Increase Harvest of animals and increase Spear damage

Boots: increase power attack damage by %

Full: Animals detect you less, bonus spear damage and increase  harvest and bone harvest by 25%


Trapper (1).jpg

This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 

Hazmat: weather protection (Radiation and cold)
set: Light
A old set of hazmat gear armored up and is light enough to wear in the wasteland and be safe from the elements! and you live to Fight the wastelands worst!

Mask: Increase Critical protection and improved infection resistance 

Outfit: Increases damage too Rad zombies/special zombies

Gloves: Increase Healing output  


Boots: adds extra health to player (based on level)

Full set:  Even higher damage to all zombies/freaks even to teammates!



Wasteland overlord armor! (You know I has to add it) 


A heavy biker set. Too show those zombies or anyone who you are pillaging. Who's boss.


Set: very heavy

Weather: radioactive. N/A for everything else.  



Helmet: being drunk blurs vision less and less recoil from Shotguns. 


Outfit: zombies take damage when attacking you from behind... (giggity) 

Can hold more drugs and alcohol... brawling weapons and shotguns deal 5% more damage. 


Gloves: increase attack speed and firerate for shotguns and knuckles, punching zombies when running will ragdoll them back. 


Boots: knuckles and shotguns deal more damage when standing still. And take less damage due to that. 


Bonus: Zombies can take damage when attacking you. Being drunk last longer, when you reach 20% hp you gain a rage buff. Deal more damage and take less. Cons: heavy you move slower and stamina is lost faster


Hazmat (1).jpg

This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 


Operator: stolen millitary gear, a flak jacket  madmaxed up with extra protection, leather, tape, and a nice set of night vision googles... that work


Set: heavy 

Weather: mid



Helmet: Night vision goggles and 5% bullets resistance 


Outfit: 5% projectile protection and explosion resistance, increase stack size of bullets (only) and Grenades/bombs.  Increase. Plus 5% more melee with knifes


Gloves: increase roadload speed for ARs, and throwing range for Grenades 


Boots: can step on mines for a few seconds longer and increase movement speed when reloading. 


Bonus: 5% more explosion damage. And less damage to self. ARS deal 5% more damage and deal 10% more at night. 




Medic set: nurse jumpsuit set with a facemask and a surgeon cap, with medical supplies on a bandolier. A first aid kid on your back and your hip. 


Class: mid

Weather: mid/hot



Cap/mask: gives you and your group 10% less chance of infection and other debuffs and Last not as long. 


Outfits: hold extra medical items, 5% damage with batons, higher chance to dismember, increase healing output for you and teammates and increase hp by 5 points


Gloves: increase healing speed/output and increase baton attack speed 


Boots: don't slow you down on bodies and gain movement speed buff from it. 


Fullset: gives you and team healing speed buff, less damage from zombies 5%. Gives you the " inspirational leader perk" if you have it it adds more. 




Wasteland primal hunter: a almost primal suit going back to basics. Wearing bones, lead, Leathers. And you probably stinky of animals guts... wait zombies can't smell.


Armor: light

Weather: cold/radioactive 



Hood: animals are less likely to attack you 5% less damage against zombie animals and gives animal tracker perk. 


Outfit: spear damage increase 5%. 10% on animals, can hold more meat, hide, bones, and bows deal 5% more damage and have 10% more range


Gloves, increase spear attack speed knife attack speed, and increase harvest amount. 


Boots: gives stealth bonus in wasteland and snow. Get less effects from zombies animals.  


Bonus: no stuns from zombie animals or bleeds, increase bone harvest by 25% bows, spears and knifes deal more damage.  Wildlife is less likely to attack you. 





Runner armor: used by runners for whiteriver and other groups. This is for the Aaron boy in you. Wearing a cap, tanktop: jeans, and have a pack on you. 


Class light: 

Weather: hot/normal 



Cap: increase bartering by 5% 


Outfit: deal 5% more damage with clubs, increases movement speed based on dukes held (max is 10% speed per 3000)

Increase damage with pistols by 5%.  Can hold even more dukes and quest loot (max is 2) 


Gloves: reload/mee speed for pistol and clubs is 5% faster and increase looting speed based on dukes (max is 25% per 1000 dukes)


Boots: gives increase stamina by 10 points and crawlers can't cripple you. Move faster if crippled. 


Bonus: Deal more damage based on dukes (max is 10% per 3000) hold 1 more mission supplies.  And gain bonus amounts from quest. 


Bouncer armor: 


A set of biker gear with a old police vest, a jager spiked biker helmet. With old bdus with old police gear. And scrap 


Weather: all around: aside from. Radioactive areas. 

Set: mid



Helmet: increase stamina by 5 points and more stun resistance 


Outfit: increase damage with shotguns and hammers by 5% hold more shotguns shells and explosives. Less damage from projectiles. 


Gloves: increase shotgun reload speed and hammer stamina and attack speed. Increase dismember with Said weapons 


Boots: hammers and shotgund deal more damage when running. 


Bonus: standing still with shotguns or hammers give you 50% less damage and 10% more damage. Gives you even less stun effects.  





Demolisher: a super heavy set of SWAT riot gear, EOD gear, and scrap. When a needs to get done.  You know who to call. 


Set: super heavy

Weather: n/a not very good. 




Helmet: Increase hp by 5 points, less explosion damage deal 5% and take 5% less when standing still. 


Outfit: zombies have a 10% chance to be stuned when hitting you. Increase ammo stack,  bonus damage with hammers and Ars. Take less damage from the front.... giggity 


Gloves: hammers throw zombies further with ragdoll, and deal bonus damage with Ar have less recoil


Boots: hammers deal more damage the more damage when drunk..... rather then brawler weapons. Move faster when drunk. 


Bonus: have a chance to ignore damage from any attack. Gain plus 1 strength and 10 hp. Con. You become even slower (not effected by the adrenaline book) and can't hold as much. 



Wasteland overlord armor! (You know I has to add it) 


A heavy biker set. Too show those zombies or anyone who you are pillaging. Who's boss.


Set: very heavy

Weather: radioactive. N/A for everything else.  



Helmet: being drunk blurs vision less and less recoil from Shotguns. 


Outfit: zombies take damage when attacking you from behind... (giggity) 

Can hold more drugs and alcohol... brawling weapons and shotguns deal 5% more damage. 


Gloves: increase attack speed and firerate for shotguns and knuckles, punching zombies when running will ragdoll them back. 


Boots: knuckles and shotguns deal more damage when standing still. And take less damage due to that. 


Bonus: Zombies can take damage when attacking you. Being drunk last longer, when you reach 20% hp you gain a rage buff. Deal more damage and take less. Cons: heavy you move slower and stamina is lost faster


This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 


Operator: stolen millitary gear, a flak jacket  madmaxed up with extra protection, leather, tape, and a nice set of night vision googles... that work


Set: heavy 

Weather: mid



Helmet: Night vision goggles and 5% bullets resistance 


Outfit: 5% projectile protection and explosion resistance, increase stack size of bullets (only) and Grenades/bombs.  Increase. Plus 5% more melee with knifes


Gloves: increase roadload speed for ARs, and throwing range for Grenades 


Boots: can step on mines for a few seconds longer and increase movement speed when reloading. 


Bonus: 5% more explosion damage. And less damage to self. ARS deal 5% more damage and deal 10% more at night. 




Medic set: nurse jumpsuit set with a facemask and a surgeon cap, with medical supplies on a bandolier. A first aid kid on your back and your hip. 


Class: mid

Weather: mid/hot



Cap/mask: gives you and your group 10% less chance of infection and other debuffs and Last not as long. 


Outfits: hold extra medical items, 5% damage with batons, higher chance to dismember, increase healing output for you and teammates and increase hp by 5 points


Gloves: increase healing speed/output and increase baton attack speed 


Boots: don't slow you down on bodies and gain movement speed buff from it. 


Fullset: gives you and team healing speed buff, less damage from zombies 5%. Gives you the " inspirational leader perk" if you have it it adds more. 




Wasteland hunter: a almost primal suit going back to basics. Wearing bones, lead, Leathers. And you probably stinky of animals guts... wait zombies can't smell.


Armor: light

Weather: cold/radioactive 



Hood: animals are less likely to attack you 5% less damage against zombie animals and gives animal tracker perk. 


Outfit: spear damage increase 5%. 10% on animals, can hold more meat, hide, bones, and bows deal 5% more damage and have 10% more range


Gloves, increase spear attack speed knife attack speed, and increase harvest amount. 


Boots: gives stealth bonus in wasteland and snow. Get less effects from zombies animals.  


Bonus: no stuns from zombie animals or bleeds, increase bone harvest by 25% bows, spears and knifes deal more damage.  Wildlife is less likely to attack you. 





Runner armor: used by runners for whiteriver and other groups. This is for the Aaron boy in you. Wearing a cap, tanktop: jeans, and have a pack on you. 


Class light: 

Weather: hot/normal 



Cap: increase bartering by 5% 


Outfit: deal 5% more damage with clubs, increases movement speed based on dukes held (max is 10% speed per 3000)

Increase damage with pistols by 5%.  Can hold even more dukes and quest loot (max is 2) 


Gloves: reload/mee speed for pistol and clubs is 5% faster and increase looting speed based on dukes (max is 25% per 1000 dukes)


Boots: gives increase stamina by 10 points and crawlers can't cripple you. Move faster if crippled. 


Bonus: Deal more damage based on dukes (max is 10% per 3000) hold 1 more mission supplies.  And gain bonus amounts from quest. 


Bouncer armor: 


A set of biker gear with a old police vest, a jager spiked biker helmet. With old bdus with old police gear. And scrap 


Weather: all around: aside from. Radioactive areas. 

Set: mid



Helmet: increase stamina by 5 points and more stun resistance 


Outfit: increase damage with shotguns and hammers by 5% hold more shotguns shells and explosives. Less damage from projectiles. 


Gloves: increase shotgun reload speed and hammer stamina and attack speed. Increase dismember with Said weapons 


Boots: hammers and shotgund deal more damage when running. 


Bonus: standing still with shotguns or hammers give you 50% less damage and 10% more damage. Gives you even less stun effects.  





Demolisher: a super heavy set of SWAT riot gear, EOD gear, and scrap. When a needs to get done.  You know who to call. 


Set: super heavy

Weather: n/a not very good. 




Helmet: Increase hp by 5 points, less explosion damage deal 5% and take 5% less when standing still. 


Outfit: zombies have a 10% chance to be stuned when hitting you. Increase ammo stack,  bonus damage with hammers, m60 (only) and shotguns. Take less damage from the front.... giggity 


Gloves: hammers throw zombies further with ragdoll, and deal bonus damage.  Shotguns have less recoil


Boots: hammers deal more damage the more damage when drunk..... rather then brawler weapons. Move faster when drunk. 


Bonus: have a chance to ignore damage from any attack. Gain plus 1 strength and 10 hp. Con. You become even slower (not effected by the adrenaline book) and can't hold as much. 


This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 


Operator: stolen millitary gear, a flak jacket  madmaxed up with extra protection, leather, tape, and a nice set of night vision googles... that work


Set: heavy 

Weather: mid



Helmet: Night vision goggles and 5% bullets resistance 


Outfit: 5% projectile protection and explosion resistance, increase stack size of bullets (only) and Grenades/bombs.  Increase. Plus 5% more melee with knifes


Gloves: increase roadload speed for ARs, and throwing range for Grenades 


Boots: can step on mines for a few seconds longer and increase movement speed when reloading. 


Bonus: 5% more explosion damage. And less damage to self. ARS deal 5% more damage and deal 10% more at night. 




Medic set: nurse jumpsuit set with a facemask and a surgeon cap, with medical supplies on a bandolier. A first aid kid on your back and your hip. 


Class: light

Weather: mid/hot



Cap/mask: gives you and your group 10% less chance of infection and other debuffs and Last not as long. 


Outfits: hold extra medical items, 5% damage with batons, higher chance to dismember, increase healing output for you and teammates and increase hp by 5 points


Gloves: increase healing speed/output and increase baton attack speed 


Boots: don't slow you down on bodies and gain movement speed buff from it. 


Fullset: gives you and team healing speed buff, less damage from zombies 5%. Gives you the " inspirational leader perk" if you have it it adds more. 




Wasteland hunter: a almost primal suit going back to basics. Wearing bones, lead, Leathers. And you probably stinky of animals guts... wait zombies can't smell.


Armor: light

Weather: cold/radioactive 



Hood: animals are less likely to attack you 5% less damage against zombie animals and gives animal tracker perk. 


Outfit: spear damage increase 5%. 10% on animals, can hold more meat, hide, bones, and bows deal 5% more damage and have 10% more range


Gloves, increase spear attack speed knife attack speed, and increase harvest amount. 


Boots: gives stealth bonus in wasteland and snow. Get less effects from zombies animals.  


Bonus: no stuns from zombie animals or bleeds, increase bone harvest by 25% bows, spears and knifes deal more damage.  Wildlife is less likely to attack you. 





Runner armor: used by runners for whiteriver and other groups. This is for the Aaron boy in you. Wearing a cap, tanktop: jeans, and have a pack on you. 


Class light: 

Weather: hot/normal 



Cap: increase bartering by 5% 


Outfit: deal 5% more damage with clubs, increases movement speed based on dukes held (max is 10% speed per 3000)

Increase damage with pistols by 5%.  Can hold even more dukes and quest loot (max is 2) 


Gloves: reload/mee speed for pistol and clubs is 5% faster and increase looting speed based on dukes (max is 25% per 1000 dukes)


Boots: gives increase stamina by 10 points and crawlers can't cripple you. Move faster if crippled. 


Bonus: Deal more damage based on dukes (max is 10% per 3000) hold 1 more mission supplies.  And gain bonus amounts from quest. 


Bouncer armor: 


A set of biker gear with a old police vest, a jager spiked biker helmet. With old bdus with old police gear. And scrap 


Weather: all around: aside from. Radioactive areas. 

Set: heavy 



Helmet: increase stamina by 5 points and more stun resistance 


Outfit: increase damage with shotguns and hammers by 5% hold more shotguns shells and explosives. Less damage from projectiles. 


Gloves: increase shotgun reload speed and hammer stamina and attack speed.  


Boots: hammers and shotgund deal more damage when running. 


Bonus: standing still with shotguns or hammers give you 50% less damage and 10% more damage. Gives you even less stun effects.  





This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 


Operator: stolen millitary gear, a flak jacket  madmaxed up with extra protection, leather, tape, and a nice set of night vision googles... that work


Set: heavy 

Weather: mid



Helmet: Night vision goggles and 5% bullets resistance 


Outfit: 5% projectile protection and explosion resistance, increase stack size of bullets (only) and Grenades/bombs.  Increase. Plus 5% more melee with knifes


Gloves: increase roadload speed for ARs, and throwing range for Grenades 


Boots: can step on mines for a few seconds longer and increase movement speed when reloading. 


Bonus: 5% more explosion damage. And less damage to self. ARS deal 5% more damage and deal 10% more at night. 




Medic set: nurse jumpsuit set with a facemask and a surgeon cap, with medical supplies on a bandolier. A first aid kid on your back and your hip. 


Class: light

Weather: mid/hot



Cap/mask: gives you and your group 10% less chance of infection and other debuffs and Last not as long. 


Outfits: hold extra medical items, 5% damage with batons, higher chance to dismember, increase healing output for you and teammates and increase hp by 5 points


Gloves: increase healing speed/output and increase baton attack speed 


Boots: don't slow you down on bodies and gain movement speed buff from it. 


Fullset: gives you and team healing speed buff, less damage from zombies 5%. Gives you the " inspirational leader perk" if you have it it adds more. 




Wasteland hunter: a almost primal suit going back to basics. Wearing bones, lead, Leathers. And you probably stinky of animals guts... wait zombies can't smell.


Armor: light

Weather: cold/radioactive 



Hood: animals are less likely to attack you 5% less damage against zombie animals and gives animal tracker perk. 


Outfit: spear damage increase 5%. 10% on animals, can hold more meat, hide, bones, and bows deal 5% more damage and have 10% more range


Gloves, increase spear attack speed knife attack speed, and increase harvest amount. 


Boots: gives stealth bonus in wasteland and snow. Get less effects from zombies animals.  


Bonus: no stuns from zombie animals or bleeds, increase bone harvest by 25% bows, spears and knifes deal more damage.  Wildlife is less likely to attack you. 





Runner armor: used by runners for whiteriver and other groups. This is for the Aaron boy in you. Wearing a cap, tanktop: jeans, and have a pack on you. 


Class light: 

Weather: hot/normal 



Cap: increase bartering by 5% 


Outfit: deal 5% more damage with clubs, increases movement speed based on dukes held (max is 10% speed per 3000)

Increase damage with pistols by 5%.  Can hold even more dukes and quest loot (max is 2) 


Gloves: reload/mee speed for pistol and clubs is 5% faster and increase looting speed based on dukes (max is 25% per 1000 dukes)


Boots: gives increase stamina by 10 points and crawlers can't cripple you. Move faster if crippled. 


Bonus: Deal more damage based on dukes (max is 10% per 3000) hold 1 more mission supplies.  And gain bonus amounts from quest. 


This is just a small list of armors I think it would be cool too see. 


Operator: stolen millitary gear, a flak jacket  madmaxed up with extra protection, leather, tape, and a nice set of night vision googles... that work


Set: heavy 

Weather: mid



Helmet: Night vision goggles and 5% bullets resistance 


Outfit: 5% projectile protection and explosion resistance, increase stack size of bullets (only) and Grenades/bombs.  Increase. Plus 5% more melee with knifes


Gloves: increase roadload speed for ARs, and throwing range for Grenades 


Boots: can step on mines for a few seconds longer and increase movement speed when reloading. 


Bonus: 5% more explosion damage. And less damage to self. ARS deal 5% more damage and deal 10% more at night. 




Medic set: nurse jumpsuit set with a facemask and a surgeon cap, with medical supplies on a bandolier. A first aid kid on your back and your hip. 


Class: light

Weather: mid/hot



Cap/mask: gives you and your group 10% less chance of infection and other debuffs and Last not as long. 


Outfits: hold extra medical items, 5% damage with batons, higher chance to dismember, increase healing output for you and teammates


Gloves: increase healing speed/output and increase baton attack speed 


Boots: don't slow you down on bodies and gain movement speed buff from it. 


Fullset: gives you and team healing speed buff, less damage from zombies 5%. Gives you the " inspirational leader perk" if you have it it adds more. 




Wasteland hunter: a almost primal suit going back to basics. Wearing bones, lead, Leathers. And you probably stinky of animals guts... wait zombies can't smell.


Armor: light

Weather: cold/radioactive 



Hood: animals are less likely to attack you 5% less damage against zombie animals and gives animal tracker perk. 


Outfit: spear damage increase 5%. 10% on animals, can hold more meat, hide, bones, and bows deal 5% more damage and have 10% more range


Gloves, increase spear attack speed knife attack speed, and increase harvest amount. 


Boots: gives stealth bonus in wasteland and snow. Get less effects from zombies animals.  


Bonus: no stuns from zombie animals or bleeds, increase bone harvest by 25% bows, spears and knifes deal more damage.  Wildlife is less likely to attack you. 




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