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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

Considering the VERY low number of higher tier POI, you'd end up with nothing but duplicate POI side by side on the outer areas of the map and towns wouldn't be possible to create with this set up without having a ton of empty spaces because tiles are not designed to allow any kind of POI to be placed on them... the POI needs to the right size and tier 5s have a limited number of tile spaces they can appear on.  Even tier 4 will be limited, though not be quite as much.  Not to mention, a town with all tier 5 POI will be extremely laggy for most players because you'll have dozens of skyscrapers all in one place.  

I can see what you are getting at with repitition. If it was solid city this would be a big issue. There are quite a few different tier 5 POIs, and the only location where it would be pure tier 5 is the extreme edge of a 10km map,

Distance from 0,0 so only the edge of a 10km might have it.


You could easily restrict individual placement or wilderness only beyond 5km from 0,0


Most people I know play on a 6 or 8km map, if you are running the map edge of a 10km map you are at end game and likely bored with anything under tier 5 anyway lol





56 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Considering the VERY low number of higher tier POI, you'd end up with nothing but duplicate POI side by side on the outer areas of the map and towns wouldn't be possible to create with this set up without having a ton of empty spaces because tiles are not designed to allow any kind of POI to be placed on them... the POI needs to the right size and tier 5s have a limited number of tile spaces they can appear on.  Even tier 4 will be limited, though not be quite as much.  Not to mention, a town with all tier 5 POI will be extremely laggy for most players because you'll have dozens of skyscrapers all in one place.  

I can see what you are getting at with repitition. If it was solid city this would be a big issue. There are quite a few different tier 5 POIs, and the only location where it would be pure tier 5 is the extreme edge of a 10km map,

Distance from 0,0 so only the edge of a 10km might have it.


You could easily restrict individual or wilderness only beyond 5km from 0,0


Most people I know play on a 6 or 8km map, it you are running the edge of a 10km map you are at end game and likely bored with anything under tier 5 anyway lol



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