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6 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

I do have an issue with this mod though, the slot lock doesn't seem to work for myself or my friends playing on the server. You click the button, and the UI doesn't change and show the locks allowing for slot locking, I'm wondering if this is an issue with the change from first x slots locked to the new individual slot lock stuff.

Thanks for reporting. It is added to the 96 BBM optional mod, but not updated for the default 60 slots. It has been updated and added to the Mod Launcher for download.


However, this is something you can do manually for now on the server and it would be pushed to all friends as it is a server side configuration.


Head to:



and replace the top part to:


		<!-- Make cells not look like crap and item icons fit properly - KhaineGB -->
		<kh60_backpack_item_stack controller="ItemStack" on_scroll="false" allow_dropping="true" prefix_id="false" show_favorites="false">
			<rect controller="${controller}" style="kh60_itemStack, hover" collider_scale="1.0" on_scroll="${on_scroll}" allow_dropping="${allow_dropping}" prefix_id="${prefix_id}" show_favorites="${show_favorites}" tooltip="{tooltip}" >
				<sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,3" width="63" height="63" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<sprite depth="3" name="background" sprite="menu_empty3px" width="58" height="58" color="{selectionbordercolor}" type="sliced" globalopacity="true" fillcenter="false"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="highlightOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="{backgroundcolor}" pos="0,0" type="sliced" globalopacity="true"/>

				<texture depth="3" name="backgroundTexture" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" size="58,58" globalopacity="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="favoriteIcon" width="24" height="24" sprite="server_favorite" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{isfavorite}"/>
				<sprite depth="6" name="itemIcon" width="55" height="55" atlas="ItemIconAtlas" sprite="{itemicon}" pos="30,-25" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true" color="{iconcolor}" />
				<sprite depth="8" name="lockTypeIcon" width="17" height="17" sprite="{locktypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="itemtypeicon" width="24" height="24" sprite="ui_game_symbol_{itemtypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasitemtypeicon}" color="{itemtypeicontint}" />

				<sprite depth="3" name="durabilityBackground" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />
				<filledsprite depth="4" name="durability" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty2px" color="{durabilitycolor}" fill="{durabilityfill}" type="filled" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />

				<sprite depth="5" name="disabledOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="[darkGrey_half_alpha]" pos="1,-1" type="sliced" visible="false"/>

				<label depth="7" name="stackValue" pos="-2,-45" width="55" height="17" text="{itemcount}" font_size="26" effect="outline" justify="{#hasdurability ? 'Center' : 'Right'}" />
				<label depth="7" name="timer" pos="35,-38" width="55" height="21" font_size="24" justify="center" pivot="center" effect="outline" color="[beige]"/>
				<sprite depth="9" name="cancel" sprite="ui_game_symbol_x" width="55" height="55" color="255,0,0,255" type="sliced" visible="false" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="13" name="assembleIcon" size="28,28" sprite="{stacklockicon}" color="{stacklockcolor}" visible="{isassemblelocked}" pos="14,-14" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


or simply add this slither at the bottom just before </rect>


				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


Thanks for reporting, as these things can sometimes slip past the quality control checks.




6 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

I do have an issue with this mod though, the slot lock doesn't seem to work for myself or my friends playing on the server. You click the button, and the UI doesn't change and show the locks allowing for slot locking, I'm wondering if this is an issue with the change from first x slots locked to the new individual slot lock stuff.

Thanks for reporting. It is added to the 96 BBM optional mod, but not updated for the default 60 slots. It has been updated and added to the Mod Launcher for download.


However, this is something you can do manually for now on the server and it would be pushed to all friends as it is a server side configuration.


Head to:



and replace the top part to:


		<!-- Make cells not look like crap and item icons fit properly - KhaineGB -->
		<kh60_backpack_item_stack controller="ItemStack" on_scroll="false" allow_dropping="true" prefix_id="false" show_favorites="false">
			<rect controller="${controller}" style="kh60_itemStack, hover" collider_scale="1.0" on_scroll="${on_scroll}" allow_dropping="${allow_dropping}" prefix_id="${prefix_id}" show_favorites="${show_favorites}" tooltip="{tooltip}" >
				<sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,3" width="63" height="63" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<sprite depth="3" name="background" sprite="menu_empty3px" width="58" height="58" color="{selectionbordercolor}" type="sliced" globalopacity="true" fillcenter="false"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="highlightOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="{backgroundcolor}" pos="0,0" type="sliced" globalopacity="true"/>

				<texture depth="3" name="backgroundTexture" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" size="58,58" globalopacity="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="favoriteIcon" width="24" height="24" sprite="server_favorite" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{isfavorite}"/>
				<sprite depth="6" name="itemIcon" width="55" height="55" atlas="ItemIconAtlas" sprite="{itemicon}" pos="30,-25" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true" color="{iconcolor}" />
				<sprite depth="8" name="lockTypeIcon" width="17" height="17" sprite="{locktypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="itemtypeicon" width="24" height="24" sprite="ui_game_symbol_{itemtypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasitemtypeicon}" color="{itemtypeicontint}" />

				<sprite depth="3" name="durabilityBackground" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />
				<filledsprite depth="4" name="durability" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty2px" color="{durabilitycolor}" fill="{durabilityfill}" type="filled" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />

				<sprite depth="5" name="disabledOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="[darkGrey_half_alpha]" pos="1,-1" type="sliced" visible="false"/>

				<label depth="7" name="stackValue" pos="-2,-45" width="55" height="17" text="{itemcount}" font_size="26" effect="outline" justify="{#hasdurability ? 'Center' : 'Right'}" />
				<label depth="7" name="timer" pos="35,-38" width="55" height="21" font_size="24" justify="center" pivot="center" effect="outline" color="[beige]"/>
				<sprite depth="9" name="cancel" sprite="ui_game_symbol_x" width="55" height="55" color="255,0,0,255" type="sliced" visible="false" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="13" name="assembleIcon" size="28,28" sprite="{stacklockicon}" color="{stacklockcolor}" visible="{isassemblelocked}" pos="14,-14" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


or simply add this slither at the bottom just before </rect>


				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


Thanks for reporting, as these things can sometimes slip past the quality control checks.


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