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On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

spawn 64 zombies and just run around, jump on stuff and run around stuff. for example if you have them pile up on something you're on and jump off half of them will still keep hitting it as you run away, some will run the opposite direction ect ect, just try it for yourself.


Not sure to what you are replying here, but if it is about a new meta, then first of all this is no new meta as it was and is a possible playstyle in A16 and A17-A21. In A17-A21 you just have to make sure that you jump on stuff that is not all interconnected and they will constantly change target. This is also a playstyle for veteran players of action games and young players (because of faster reflexes) who don't want to think much about how their horde base is set up. Just plop down dozens of points to jump on and you are set.


There are hundreds of games where the whole fight depends solely on your reflexes, but only this one allows you to instead put your brain to work and build a horde base that automates part of the defense. Which is an alternative for players not brought up on action games. Which by the way ticks of both the tower defense and sandbox genres listed as part of 7days (the latter because both an action oriented and a base building playstyle are possible)


On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

nteresting never seen it 

but if im yet again wrong by saying this, he should fling them, similar to when you throw dynamite, and the blocks get flung so everyone else can have an opening 


He doesn't fling them but he destroys any spike traps he runs through and that creates an opening.


On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

this might be hard to explain so bare with me.  thats why i said "you need more underlying mechanics and game health changes "  such as making it so you can't farm so many resources, especially stuff like infinite ammo with mining, stuff like "your protection is not guarantied but earned", as you progress you find toughs, ferals and irradiated more and more common so you need higher tier weapons and qualities and perks, that is GOOD progression, because for once you're pressured to loot and scavenge to have a better chance to fight back , BUT unfortunately you probably get max stuff by day 25 anyways, lets completely slow down progression, by

nerfing trader quests and balancing their stocks, trader stage was a good change, it makes sense and is balanced, its the beginning of the apocalypse of course hes not going to have guns from the military 

you can only get high tier items from the wasteland cities or really high tier stuff from regular cities AND make them more dangerous,, which biome tier helps with this thankfully which i LOVE,  this makes the game have more emphasized visible progression 

make balances to early game stuff like cobblestone blocks crossbows, and traps

like make them less farmable but more rewarding, or vice versa (blocks and traps especially)  

changes to stuff like mollys grenades and over all the balanced of infected like i said stuff like more mechanics is play, make them get stronger over time in some way to incentivize going past day 40, and as days go on make everything more dangerous such as higher infected counts to make end games have more spice as well as add a bunch of changes to make this work as effective as possible, i'd need to have to play with it to really give you a good insight 

ALSO, to make progression feel better plain and simple, and even if my ideas are a little unrealistic or bad this one isn't and debate me on it if it isn't

Make as many weapons as you can unique and have their own prepose outside of builds and perk effectiveness, make them unique, pump shot gun has amazing range but a felt cooldown for missing, pipe shotgun does random damage because of how unreliable it is, auto shotgun has high spread but doesnt have the cons of those 2, steel sledge vs iron, one swings faster and does this and that and one swings slower but has a higher decap chance and not be just better versions of themselves, that should be what quality and attachments are for, raise quality up to 20 for end game preposes to scale with how they get stronger, some hordes would feel like a death grip on your throat because you only have a few grenades your traps are broken and your m60 is a low quality and does less and less damage as the day goes by, you cant repair stuff because you didn't want to loot that high tier chemical lab full of wights and didn't start a farm for buffs and didn't go mining for minerals for base upgrades and repairs so now you have to work with what you got, and others where you did and got a new shiny rpg and a new spinning blade trap with some steel and resources and the horde is easier, those demos didn't hurt as bad and that rpg kept the pressure off 

make it reward proactive players and make end games be just as good as early games with scavenging and such 


Fully agree on the general message that there should be better balancing, especially of the trader. I could point to a few threads where some forum users including me were critizising that the progression of anything to do with the trader is much too fast and the change of the crafting progression to magazines had practically no effect because of this. I heard there were balancing changes (to the trader and everything) in A22 so we'll have to see what that brings.


There is also a feature that was planned for a long time, legendary weapons, which would go into the direction of your suggestions in the last paragraph, there is still hope that features could get in some day, maybe even in A22.







On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

spawn 64 zombies and just run around, jump on stuff and run around stuff. for example if you have them pile up on something you're on and jump off half of them will still keep hitting it as you run away, some will run the opposite direction ect ect, just try it for yourself.


Not sure to what you are replying here, but if it is about a new meta, then first of all this is no new meta as it was and is a possible playstyle in A16 and A17-A21. In A17-A21 you just have to make sure that you jump on stuff that is not all interconnected and they will constantly change target. This is also a playstyle for veteran players of action games and young players (because of faster reflexes) who don't want to think much about how their horde base is set up. Just plop down dozens of points to jump on and you are set.


There are hundreds of games where the whole fight depends solely on your reflexes, but only this one allows you to instead put your brain to work and build a horde base that automates part of the defense. Which is an alternative for players not brought up on action games. Which by the way ticks of both the tower defense and sandbox genres listed as part of 7days.


On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

nteresting never seen it 

but if im yet again wrong by saying this, he should fling them, similar to when you throw dynamite, and the blocks get flung so everyone else can have an opening 


He doesn't fling them but he destroys any spike traps he runs through and that creates an opening.


On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

this might be hard to explain so bare with me.  thats why i said "you need more underlying mechanics and game health changes "  such as making it so you can't farm so many resources, especially stuff like infinite ammo with mining, stuff like "your protection is not guarantied but earned", as you progress you find toughs, ferals and irradiated more and more common so you need higher tier weapons and qualities and perks, that is GOOD progression, because for once you're pressured to loot and scavenge to have a better chance to fight back , BUT unfortunately you probably get max stuff by day 25 anyways, lets completely slow down progression, by

nerfing trader quests and balancing their stocks, trader stage was a good change, it makes sense and is balanced, its the beginning of the apocalypse of course hes not going to have guns from the military 

you can only get high tier items from the wasteland cities or really high tier stuff from regular cities AND make them more dangerous,, which biome tier helps with this thankfully which i LOVE,  this makes the game have more emphasized visible progression 

make balances to early game stuff like cobblestone blocks crossbows, and traps

like make them less farmable but more rewarding, or vice versa (blocks and traps especially)  

changes to stuff like mollys grenades and over all the balanced of infected like i said stuff like more mechanics is play, make them get stronger over time in some way to incentivize going past day 40, and as days go on make everything more dangerous such as higher infected counts to make end games have more spice as well as add a bunch of changes to make this work as effective as possible, i'd need to have to play with it to really give you a good insight 

ALSO, to make progression feel better plain and simple, and even if my ideas are a little unrealistic or bad this one isn't and debate me on it if it isn't

Make as many weapons as you can unique and have their own prepose outside of builds and perk effectiveness, make them unique, pump shot gun has amazing range but a felt cooldown for missing, pipe shotgun does random damage because of how unreliable it is, auto shotgun has high spread but doesnt have the cons of those 2, steel sledge vs iron, one swings faster and does this and that and one swings slower but has a higher decap chance and not be just better versions of themselves, that should be what quality and attachments are for, raise quality up to 20 for end game preposes to scale with how they get stronger, some hordes would feel like a death grip on your throat because you only have a few grenades your traps are broken and your m60 is a low quality and does less and less damage as the day goes by, you cant repair stuff because you didn't want to loot that high tier chemical lab full of wights and didn't start a farm for buffs and didn't go mining for minerals for base upgrades and repairs so now you have to work with what you got, and others where you did and got a new shiny rpg and a new spinning blade trap with some steel and resources and the horde is easier, those demos didn't hurt as bad and that rpg kept the pressure off 

make it reward proactive players and make end games be just as good as early games with scavenging and such 


Fully agree on the general message that there should be better balancing, especially of the trader. I could point to a few threads where some forum users including me were critizising that the progression of anything to do with the trader is much too fast and the change of the crafting progression to magazines had practically no effect because of this. I heard there were balancing changes (to the trader and everything) in A22 so we'll have to see what that brings.


There is also a feature that was planned for a long time, legendary weapons, which would go into the direction of your suggestions in the last paragraph, there is still hope that features could get in some day, maybe even in A22.





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