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2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

It works just fine as a backup if you do the restore before trying to load the data broken by improperly shutting down the client.


When you try to load the data, you are making a new backup, and over-writing the one that was useful.


Knowlege of how the system works helps you a lot. This is covered in the Support FAQ thread.

Although true, it would certainly work better for people if there was a second backup so when you lost into the game and see it is corrupted, you still have a good backup to use to fix it.  You don't always know that something happened to corrupt the save until you load into the game and then it is too late.  Or just some way to verify the save before loading it to at least catch most common errors and then halt loading it use the backup automatically.


The other thing is that the game shouldn't immediately overwrite the backup.  Give 5 minutes or something before making any changes to the backup so you have time to exit and use the backup.  This would also solve a lot of the problems.


Either way, it is very rare for me to ever crash or have corrupt data, so it doesn't really affect me much.  And I can easily recover from a corrupt profile and losing a save isn't the end of the world for me.  Just pointing out there are better ways to handle backups.


That said, I'm pretty sure I remember them saying they were working on improving how backups worked.



2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

It works just fine as a backup if you do the restore before trying to load the data broken by improperly shutting down the client.


When you try to load the data, you are making a new backup, and over-writing the one that was useful.


Knowlege of how the system works helps you a lot. This is covered in the Support FAQ thread.

Although true, it would certainly work better for people if there was a second backup so when you lost into the game and see it is corrupted, you still have a good backup to use to fix it.  You don't always know that something happened to corrupt the save until you load into the game and then it is too late.  Or just some way to verify the save before loading it to at least catch most common errors and then halt loading it use the backup automatically.


The other thing is that the game shouldn't immediately overwrite the backup.  Give 5 minutes or something before making any changes to the backup so you have time to exit and use the backup.  This would also solve a lot of the problems.


Either way, it is very rare for me to ever crash or have corrupt data, so it doesn't really affect me much.  And I can easily recover from a corrupt profile and losing a save isn't the end of the world for me.  Just pointing out there are better ways to handle backups.

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