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Off the top of my head, these are the changes/fixes I'd like to see in A22:

1:     Zombies getting an animation for when they start/stop crawling. No more ZERO frames to crawl. (currently: one frame they're standing and the next frame they're crawling)
2:     When a zombie's pain resistance reaches 100% or higher, they should get an attack animation that can't be interrupted. Right now, they hit the player whilst in a pain animation, like holding their face/hip.
3:     Zombies no longer getting extra reach when crawling.
4:     Zombies being no longer being able to hit players through walls/doors and other thin blocks.
5:     Zombies no longer being able to hit a player that is running away from 2.5 metres away (I've been hit while running down stairs and zombie still up top)
6:     Projectiles (arrows, rockets, cop puke, etc) no longer going through entities/blocks occasionally. (You didn't miss, the game cheated on you! I've had rockets go through the ground during horde night for example)
7:     Molotovs no longer exploding in your face when there's too many entities spawned in.
8:     Dehydration/Stamina regen bug fix, introduced in A17, it's WELL OVERDUE to fix this bug!!!!!!
9:     Improved hitboxes on hitting entities through doors. Very frustrating when my ENTIRE crosshair is in the hole, and my melee weapon (knife/spear) hits the door.
10:     Remove character's ability to hop, when I press the space bar, I want to JUMP, not hop. Why is hopping a thing? And why does it cost 20 stamina to hop?
11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT a solution)
12:    Remove entities from being able to clip partially through blocks.
13:    Add a NightTimeStart setting. Would be nice to have night time start at a chosen time instead of forced at 10pm.
14:    Game Day Length to match the real world length: What I mean by that is, currently, if you play "60 minute day cycle", you're actually playing 68 minute day cycle.
15:    Give ALL animals footstep audio. 
16:    Maintain momentum during a jump when running out of stamina mid-air.



Off the top of my head, these are the changes/fixes I'd like to see in A22:

1:     Zombies getting an animation for when they start/stop crawling. No more ZERO frames to crawl. (currently: one frame they're standing and the next frame they're crawling)
2:     When a zombie's pain resistance reaches 100% or higher, they should get an attack animation that can't be interrupted. Right now, they hit the player whilst in a pain animation, like holding their face/hip.
3:     Zombies no longer getting extra reach when crawling.
4:     Zombies being no longer being able to hit players through walls/doors and other thin blocks.
5:     Zombies no longer being able to hit a player that is running away from 2.5 metres away (I've been hit while running down stairs and zombie still up top)
6:     Projectiles (arrows, rockets, cop puke, etc) no longer going through entities/blocks occasionally. (You didn't miss, the game cheated on you! I've had rockets go through the ground during horde night for example)
7:     Molotovs no longer exploding in your face when there's too many entities spawned in.
8:     Dehydration/Stamina regen bug fix, introduced in A17, it's WELL OVERDUE to fix this bug!!!!!!
9:     Improved hitboxes on hitting entities through doors. Very frustrating when my ENTIRE crosshair is in the hole, and my melee weapon (knife/spear) hits the door.
10:     Remove character's ability to hop, when I press the space bar, I want to JUMP, not hop. Why is hopping a thing? And why does it cost 20 stamina to hop?
11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT a solution)
12:    Remove entities from being able to clip partially through blocks.
13:    Add a NightTimeStart setting. Would be nice to have night time start at a chosen time instead of forced at 10pm.
14:    Game Day Length to match the real world length: What I mean by that is, currently, if you play "60 minute day cycle", you're actually playing 68 minute day cycle.
15: Give ALL animals footstep audio. 



Off the top of my head, these are the changes/fixes I'd like to see in A22:

1:     Zombies getting an animation for when they start/stop crawling. No more ZERO frames to crawl. (currently: one frame they're standing and the next frame they're crawling)
2:     When a zombie's pain resistance reaches 100% or higher, they should get an attack animation that can't be interrupted. Right now, they hit the player whilst in a pain animation, like holding their face/hip.
3:     Zombies no longer getting extra reach when crawling.
4:     Zombies being no longer being able to hit players through walls/doors and other thin blocks.
5:     Zombies no longer being able to hit a player that is running away from 2.5 metres away (I've been hit while running down stairs and zombie still up top)
6:     Projectiles (arrows, rockets, cop puke, etc) no longer going through entities/blocks occasionally. (You didn't miss, the game cheated on you! I've had rockets go through the ground during horde night for example)
7:     Molotovs no longer exploding in your face when there's too many entities spawned in.
8:     Dehydration/Stamina regen bug fix, introduced in A17, it's WELL OVERDUE to fix this bug!!!!!!
9:     Improved hitboxes on hitting entities through doors. Very frustrating when my ENTIRE crosshair is in the hole, and my melee weapon (knife/spear) hits the door.
10:     Remove character's ability to hop, when I press the space bar, I want to JUMP, not hop. Why is hopping a thing? And why does it cost 20 stamina to hop?
11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT a solution)
12:    Remove entities from being able to clip partially through blocks.
13:    Add a NightTimeStart setting. Would be nice to have night time start at a chosen time instead of forced at 10pm.
14:    Game Day Length to match the real world length: What I mean by that is, currently, if you play "60 minute day cycle", you're actually playing 68 minute day cycle.



Off the top of my head, these are the changes/fixes I'd like to see in A22:

1:     Zombies getting an animation for when they start/stop crawling. No more ZERO frames to crawl. (currently: one frame they're standing and the next frame they're crawling)
2:     When a zombie's pain resistance reaches 100% or higher, they should get an attack animation that can't be interrupted. Right now, they hit the player whilst in a pain animation, like holding their face/hip.
3:     Zombies no longer getting extra reach when crawling.
4:     Zombies being no longer being able to hit players through walls/doors and other thin blocks.
5:     Zombies no longer being able to hit a player that is running away from 2.5 metres away (I've been hit while running down stairs and zombie still up top)
6:     Projectiles (arrows, rockets, cop puke, etc) no longer going through entities/blocks occasionally. (You didn't miss, the game cheated on you! I've had rockets go through the ground during horde night for example)
7:     Molotovs no longer exploding in your face when there's too many entities spawned in.
8:     Dehydration/Stamina regen bug fix, introduced in A17, it's WELL OVERDUE to fix this bug!!!!!!
9:     Improved hitboxes on hitting entities through doors. Very frustrating when my ENTIRE crosshair is in the hole, and my melee weapon (knife/spear) hits the door.
10:     Remove character's ability to hop, when I press the space bar, I want to JUMP, not hop. Why is hopping a thing? And why does it cost 20 stamina to hop?
11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT a solution)
12:    Remove entities from being able to clip partially through blocks.
13:    Add a NightTimeStart setting. Would be nice to have night time start at a chosen time instead of forced at 10pm.



Off the top of my head, these are the changes/fixes I'd like to see in A22:

1:     Zombies getting an animation for when they start/stop crawling. No more ZERO frames to crawl. (currently: one frame they're standing and the next frame they're crawling)
2:     When a zombie's pain resistance reaches 100% or higher, they should get an attack animation that can't be interrupted. Right now, they hit the player whilst in a pain animation, like holding their face/hip.
3:     Zombies no longer getting extra reach when crawling.
4:     Zombies being no longer being able to hit players through walls/doors and other thin blocks.
5:     Zombies no longer being able to hit a player that is running away from 2.5 metres away (I've been hit while running down stairs and zombie still up top)
6:     Projectiles (arrows, rockets, cop puke, etc) no longer going through entities/blocks occasionally. (You didn't miss, the game cheated on you! I've had rockets go through the ground during horde night for example)
7:     Molotovs no longer exploding in your face when there's too many entities spawned in.
8:     Dehydration/Stamina regen bug fix, introduced in A17, it's WELL OVERDUE to fix this bug!!!!!!
9:     Improved hitboxes on hitting entities through doors. Very frustrating when my ENTIRE crosshair is in the hole, and my melee weapon (knife/spear) hits the door.
10:     Remove character's ability to hop, when I press the space bar, I want to JUMP, not hop. Why is hopping a thing? And why does it cost 20 stamina to hop?
11:    Remove the loud jarring ear piercing night time stinger ambiences. ALL. OF. THEM! (Turning down/off ambience volume is NOT a solution)
12:    Remove entities from being able to clip partially through blocks.

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