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The Alpha 22 Developer Diary is for discussing features and content coming in Alpha 22. Discussion in that thread should be limited to A) items mentioned in the top post; or B) topics a developer may bring up in the diary.


If your post gets moved here, it wasn’t one of those two things. It may have been thoughtful or funny or of great interest, but it was off topic for the dev diary. This is not a punishment. We do this because when we haven't, the dev diary balloons to a size where it's too unwieldy/watered down, both for the devs and for the readers that want to keep up with the thread as an actual diary of development.


This overflow is still a discussion thread, so feel free to continue discussions you see here. Again, the reason it exists is to keep the other thread focused.

Crater Creator

Crater Creator

Fun times indeed. I added the latest animal renders. I’m looking for one more TFP approval before posting.

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