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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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Whether or not people like the individual game changes is really not the issue.  Many changes are made for the purpose of the endgame, but don't make nearly as much sense without the context of the endgame which is still at least 15 months away, likely more.  Trader specific biomes and big cities only in the wasteland (among many other things) are not meant for satisfaction right now but are part of a bigger picture.  The strategy is not to add all of the end game elements when the end game is ready but rather add them now and get any bugs worked out.  When ready, they can add heat/cold for the desert/snow biomes, radiation for the wasteland, bandits, crossplay, new quest types, storyline between the Duke and Noah, and everything else on the roadmap.

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3 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

 for the life me i do not understand why this build hasn't been pushed to stable yet...

V1.1 EXP b4 had many bugs that needed to be fixed, so couldn't be released as stable (as I predicted). This new experimental (V1.1 b14) fixes a lot of problems and has important changes too. It will take a few weeks before this one is pushed to Stable... But I do think (so far) that this is the one that will.

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