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Kosmic Kerman

Kosmic Kerman

3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

For you, armor magazines seemed too abundant.  But you also mentioned in another post that you purposely limit perks at the beginning so as to not dilute your chances to get specific crafting magazines.  Based on that, one could rightly assume that those specific perks that you are concentrating on, you are also advancing a specific attribute very quickly.  So in two playthroughs, you can craft Q6 armor on Day 8 and Q4 on day 6.


In comparison, I was 3 magazines shy of crafting Q6 armor when I ended it, but I was at Day 35 - which for me feels right.  If you focus your perk choices on specific crafting trees, then some of those trees are going to go fast.  If TFP makes changes based on your approach to the progression aspect of the game, it will likely affect others.  So changing it to slow down armor in your case could result in Q6 crafting in 24 days, it would also slow down in other cases and I could see myself trying to unlock Q6 armor crafting at Day 90.


And maybe more importantly, if someone's playstyle is to rush to get the bike on day 2-3 and then go hit bookstores, mailboxes, libraries, etc., progression will be much different than someone who just goes through quest progression while taking breaks to mine and build. I've noticed a big difference in my two playthroughs where the only difference was time spent building and mining. In the first playthrough I built a starter base, a horde base, and mined.  In my second playthrough, I built a 2x2 platform next to the trader and put all my storage and crafting on the ground. The difference in progression was noticeable. I'm currently on Day 10 and about to move to the desert. I anticipate that my progression will accelerate quickly as I've already seen multiple book stores and a library in the desert city. But I don't think progression should be balanced around my second playthrough which was optimized for both early questing and for perk allocation. 


In my opinion, the game should be balanced around the intended progression. And skill progression will also be heavily RNG dependent. If you end up with good book locations near you early on your progression will skyrocket.  

Kosmic Kerman

Kosmic Kerman

3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

For you, armor magazines seemed too abundant.  But you also mentioned in another post that you purposely limit perks at the beginning so as to not dilute your chances to get specific crafting magazines.  Based on that, one could rightly assume that those specific perks that you are concentrating on, you are also advancing a specific attribute very quickly.  So in two playthroughs, you can craft Q6 armor on Day 8 and Q4 on day 6.


In comparison, I was 3 magazines shy of crafting Q6 armor when I ended it, but I was at Day 35 - which for me feels right.  If you focus your perk choices on specific crafting trees, then some of those trees are going to go fast.  If TFP makes changes based on your approach to the progression aspect of the game, it will likely affect others.  So changing it to slow down armor in your case could result in Q6 crafting in 24 days, it would also slow down in other cases and I could see myself trying to unlock Q6 armor crafting at Day 90.


And maybe more importantly, if someone's playstyle is to rush to get the bike on day 2-3 and then go hit bookstores, mailboxes, libraries, etc. Progression will be much different than someone who just goes through quest progression while taking breaks to mine and build. I've noticed a big difference in my two playthroughs where the only difference was time spent building and mining. In the first playthrough I built a starter base, a horde base, and mined.  In my second playthrough, I built a 2x2 platform next to the trader and put all my storage and crafting on the ground. The difference in progression was noticeable. I'm currently on Day 10 and about to move to the desert. I anticipate that my progression will accelerate quickly as I've already seen multiple book stores and a library in the desert city. But I don't think progression should be balanced around my second playthrough which was optimized for both early questing and for perk allocation. 


In my opinion, the game should be balanced around the intended progression. And skill progression will also be heavily RNG dependent. If you end up with good book locations near you early on your progression will skyrocket.  

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