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1 hour ago, seven said:


You can quickly see what the armor classes are on the magazine unlock page. It shows the Light, Medium, Heavy classes and you can hover over each icon to see the name. I also think the bonuses and stats are badly done. Actually, the only thing I can say I like about  the new armor system is you don't have to progress through light -> medium -> heavy anymore. I generally always stick with light or at most medium armor anyway, but people that like heavy will probably be happy.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to click on every armor or go to another place to see what it is when deciding what to craft.  It should all be easily available on the crafting screen.  Sorting/grouping by armor class should be a given.  It will become even more of a pain as they add more armors.


As far as the progression, it's an odd choice for them.  They are adding progression to the game in other places and yet they remove progression from armor.  It doesn't really make much sense.  I don't know that I like the change even though I normally choose heavy armor but I suppose it really isn't important.



1 hour ago, seven said:


You can quickly see what the armor classes are on the magazine unlock page. It shows the Light, Medium, Heavy classes and you can hover over each icon to see the name. I also think the bonuses and stats are badly done. Actually, the only thing I can say I like about  the new armor system is you don't have to progress through light -> medium -> heavy anymore. I generally always stick with light or at most medium armor anyway, but people that like heavy will probably be happy.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to click on every armor or go to another place to see what it is when deciding what to craft.  It should all be easily available on the crafting screen.  Sorting/grouping by armor class should be a given.  It will become even more of a pain as they add more armors.



1 hour ago, seven said:


You can quickly see what the armor classes are on the magazine unlock page. It shows the Light, Medium, Heavy classes and you can hover over each icon to see the name. I also think the bonuses and stats are badly done. Actually, the only thing I can say I like about  the new armor system is you don't have to progress through light -> medium -> heavy anymore. I generally always stick with light or at most medium armor anyway, but people that like heavy will probably be happy.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to click on every armor to see what it is when deciding what to craft.  Sorting/grouping by armor class should be a given.  It will become even more of a pain as they add more armors.

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