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I wonder how many balance changes will be made to the armor set bonuses and various other things through the version 1.0 builds

one thing I do miss in Version 1.0 is the early access to wooden bows/cross bows. I feel like this magazine set should be alot easier to find or should be much quicker to progress to tier1 of bows and crossbows because  these weapons overall have far less power then higher tier equivalents  and they already feel power crept and weak by the time I have other tier1 weapons. the tier1 bows feel like they belong in the early game and now you have to invest into agility to use a inferior weapon/playstyle early on? Doesn't make sense to me

I really miss the early accesibility of bow weapons since they shine there while still not being to overpowered




I wonder how many balance changes will be made to the armor set bonuses and various other things through the version 1.0 builds

one thing I do miss in Version 1.0 is the early access to wooden bows/cross bows. I feel like this magazine set should be alot easier to find or should be much quicker to progress to tier1 of bows and crossbows because  these weapons overall have far less power then higher tier equivalents  and they already feel power crept and weak by the time I have other tier1 weapons. the tier1 bows feel like they belong in the early game and now you have to invest into agility to use a inferior weapon/playstyle early on? Doesn't make sense to me


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