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4 hours ago, Riamus said:

And as I explained in the other post, the comparison works even with fewer quests.  If you average 2 per day, you complete tier 1 in about 5 days in single player.  Let's say that at 8 players, you can complete 8 per day.  That is still 10 days (twice as long) to finish tier 1 for everyone if all are questing together.  And I'm not sure how many groups can complete 8 per day on 60 minute days if they quest together.  Not to mention, as you said, there are other things you need to do besides quest.


And that is why I said I agree with you generally, just that your comparison is wrong. Even though the maximum level is 300 I don't assume TFP to think the normal player will reach that level. And similarily I don't expect the quest number of 5 to have any special meaning besides that it was always 5 when they started using that quest UI and it looked like a good high number to put an upper limit at. 


The interesting question is how players will react to this rule and whether it destroys co-op, is too harsh a drawback for a group or whether disadvantages and advantages of group play somehow level out in many games. I don't know yet. That is why I am playing it now without a preconceived opinion and see what happens. One interesting value will simply be: How far will I be in single player on day 20, and how far will our group be. NOT with trader rep, but generally with quality of guns and equipment, money and level.








4 hours ago, Riamus said:

And as I explained in the other post, the comparison works even with fewer quests.  If you average 2 per day, you complete tier 1 in about 5 days in single player.  Let's say that at 8 players, you can complete 8 per day.  That is still 10 days (twice as long) to finish tier 1 for everyone if all are questing together.  And I'm not sure how many groups can complete 8 per day on 60 minute days if they quest together.  Not to mention, as you said, there are other things you need to do besides quest.


And that is why I said I agree with you generally, just that your comparison is wrong. Even though the maximum level is 300 I don't assume TFP to think the normal player will reach that level. And similarily I don't expect the quest number of 5 to have any special meaning besides that it was always 5 when they started using that quest UI and it looked like a good high number to put an upper limit at. 


The interesting question is how players will react to this rule and whether it destroys co-op, is too harsh a drawback for a group or whether disadvantages and advantages of group play somehow level out in many situations. I don't know yet. That is why I am playing it now without a preconceived opinion and see what happens







4 hours ago, Riamus said:

And as I explained in the other post, the comparison works even with fewer quests.  If you average 2 per day, you complete tier 1 in about 5 days in single player.  Let's say that at 8 players, you can complete 8 per day.  That is still 10 days (twice as long) to finish tier 1 for everyone if all are questing together.  And I'm not sure how many groups can complete 8 per day on 60 minute days if they quest together.  Not to mention, as you said, there are other things you need to do besides quest.


And that is why I said I agree with you generally, just that your comparison is wrong. Even though the maximum level is 300 I don't assume TFP to think the normal player will reach that level. And similarily I don't expect the quest number of 5 to have any special meaning besides that it was always 5 when they started using that quest UI and it looked like a good high number to put an upper limit at. 






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